The Nameless, Essence of All
The Nameless, Essence of All
The Nameless, Essence of All
The Nameless, Essence of All
The Nameless, Essence of All
The Nameless, Essence of All

The Nameless, Essence of All

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We aren't really sure what to call the entity that has been summoned into this piece, so we simply call him "the Nameless." I would revel in the ability to tell you that this piece holds the presence of God, but that isn't the presence that is in this piece. I would love to tell you that this piece holds the presence of any other mega-powerful deity that we all know and love, but that's not the case. The fact is that the entity that is in this piece isn't exactly a deity, but he isn't not a deity. If we're being fair, it exactly a He either. we don't know what it is. It is everything and it is only one thing at the same time. I know that this seems really confusing. Trust me, we are still kind of confused ourselves, but we know that the piece is powerful so we cannot sit on it forever. In fact, we have two of these pieces. I know I've been saying this piece, but it's just easier to type that way. There are two of them. We got them from the same guy at the same time at the Underground Auction.

For those of you who are religious in any way shape or fashion, I could ask you what came before (fill in the name of the deity that you worship here)? In many cases, this would be what came before God or what came before Allah? The most common answer would be for somebody to reply, "Why God has always existed, he is the Alpha and the Omega." Fine. I'd love to join in on believing that, but then the powers in this piece would be literally impossible. The Nameless is a form of existence that is continuously changing and adapts to accommodate everything from magic, to knowledge, to races of beings, to the expansion of reality, etc. It exists outside of time because for the Nameless there is no such thing as time. The Nameless is constant. It exists in the past, the present, and the future, all of which are happening simultaneously on a continuous loop. I don't want to say that the Nameless is knowledge or the cosmic lifeforce, because the Nameless exists on a high level than both of those things. Knowledge is a construct of the Nameless, who gives man and all beings in the multiverse the ability of reason and logic, the ability to think, and the ability to emote. The Cosmic Lifeforce is a construct of the Nameless because the lifeforce was created with energies of the Nameless.

So, you see where we have a conundrum, where we know what the Nameless entails, but we don't know what the Nameless is. We have these two shakers and somehow, somebody somewhere was able to contain the very nature of the Nameless into these two pieces. I mean, it couldn't have been that very hard, because the energy of the Nameless is pliable and can be used to create. It can be molded and shaped by our subconscious, which was given the power to do so by the Nameless. The only thing is that in order to use the energies of the Nameless you have to experience it. That is what we are giving you the ability to do. It is what gods, and sorcerers, and magicians, and highpriests, and many forms of abstract magical artists and occultists have been using for years to create their magic.

Yeah, some items will allow you to acquire this knowledge and some items allow you to acquire that magic, but what if you didn't have to go even that far. Those forms of magic all ready exist. Their knowledge already exists. What the Nameless allows you to do is say, "Well, I don't care what is possible or impossible, I don't care what other people have done. I'm doing my own thing and I can because I have the powers of the Nameless." You see, the Nameless is everything-- all of existence. He is everywhere and He is all around us all the time. What you are getting is a once in a lifetime opportunity to acquire the powers and the understanding of the Nameless. To be honest, this isn't even a full understanding of the Nameless, because we haven't even been able to understand it perfectly ourselves. His existence is infinite and on a frequency of comprehension that would probably blow up our minds if we tried to comprehend it fully. So, we sufficed in learning as much as we could and learning how to use the energies of the Nameless to create.

When using this piece you will fill it with salt. You will allow the salt to sit in the shaker for 14 days. The image on the shaker represents the Nameless, although this isn't anything what he looks like. He doesn't "look" like anything. He wears many faces, but he doesn't actually have one. You'll understand when you finally use the piece. After the 14 days, you will draw a bath. It could be cold or hot, whatever you prefer. You will then shake the contents of the shaker into the water. Put yourself into the water and bath yourself. Actually use the saltwater as a cleansing agent. This is cutting the veil that disallows you to see reality as it actually is. Submerge yourself in the water and pour the water over your entire body so that every inch of you has been covered. You will then get out of the salt bath. Do not dress. Find a comfortable spot and lie down in the dark. Meditate as you have never meditated before and feel the presence of the energies of the Nameless all around you, which are being invited in by the ritual cleansing and ascension bath that you just took.

The Nameless will be invited in and you shall see the things that we have told you about and you will understand. Well, you won't fully understand, but we've also told you that. What you will be able to understand is how to create, how to mold, and how to shape reality. You will be given this knowledge on how to create what you want-- power, magic, a whole new world that only you can visit, entities, whatever. It will allow you to exist outside of time and experience the past presence and future all at once. You will be given boundless knowledge and full control of the lifeforce, but mostly you won't need any of that. Once you have the energies of the Nameless and the ability to create freely everything else becomes null and void because you will always be able to do better. You will always be able to become more powerful. You will always be able to create a more personal and deeper knowledge to know.

This piece is a fantastic piece, create out of spiritually charged sterling silver. Again, we have two of them. One will be going on auction an the other will be going on Haunted Collector for at least 2,000. As of right now, there is no reserve for the auction. Enjoy.