Tomer's Eye of All

Tomer's Eye of All

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This piece has been in Tomer's possession for some time.  It is a very powerful piece that was generated using his solely his own powers and his own experiences.  This piece is kind of like a time-capsule in the form of a diary.  This is because this piece lets you travel to all the places that Tomer has traveled.  It allows you to see all that he has ever seen in his eons of existence.  Remember, he is an immortal vampire and one of the most powerful, if not thee most powerful vampire entity that we have ever come into contact with.  He is even more powerful than shine and his white light abilities rival that of Raveniska.  He has even spent time with in the lands of ancient Atlantis and we all know that these were the most powerful of beings to ever scathe the face of Earth.  We have three very vivid experiences that we have had with this ring and we are offering the magic and knowledge of these experiences as separate pieces.  They serve as a great example of exactly what this piece will do for you.  Now, I know that this is only three examples, but just think-- Tomer has been around for a number of years that his greater than humankind has a number for.  Well, we probably have a number, but I assure you nobody has ever had to use it practically.  Then again, Tomer isn't practical being.  He exceeds the definitionof powerful and he has been to just about every part of existence that you can imagine-- even the ones that you can't.  The ability to travel to these places, see what he has seen, and gain all of the powers that are associated with Tomer's travels are what you get with this item.  Yes we are selling items that we have made with three of these experiences.  They are very powerful, but correspond only to these individual experiences.  This pieces, however, supercedes the power in any of these other three pieces that we have made.  This piece was made direclty by the hand of Tomer, using his original powers in raw form.  This is the ring that started it all and with it you gain ALL of his experiences, which are too many to list.   
Using this piece we traveled into a prismatic realm.  It was made entirely of glass that you could walk on, but you could see through it all directions.  It was made up of very bright colors, which led us to believe that this was a realm of heaven and that the being that we encountered was some kind of angel.  We are not entirely sure of this.  I guess it could have been some sort of extraterrestrial being.  Like I said, the realm was made entirely of glass and you could see through the glass in thousands of directions.  In one directions we saw a herd of anamorphic beings that had the bodies a lion and the head of a man.  In another direction we saw a choir of angels.  In another direction we could see all of Earth at one time.  In other directions we could see entire parallel dimensions, and several universes of varying size.  In one corner of this room was a being.  It was the only being that we saw there.  It was called the Eater of time and he had millions upon millions of eyes.  His eyes can see into every possible direction, but not just in the here and now.  He has an eye for every direction of all times.  As new things happens, it grows another eye.  In just the time that we seen it, it grew several dozen eyes.  When you touch your forehead to the forehead of this creature, it blasts its power to you through your third eye and you can see through which one of his millions of eyes that you want.  If you specify a specific thing you want to see or place you want to go it will pick up that and send you there.  When you look through the eyes of this being, it will beam you through its vision to whatever place in time you want to visit.  Conversely, you can just choose to look through all of its eyes.  When you find somewhere you want to go, it will know and send you there.  You can then gain whatever powers and magic are associated with what that eye is seeing.  Before we left, we channeled the powers of the time-eater into an item that allows the ability to travel directly to the time-eater's glass realm.  You can then do the same things we did, as far as seeing through the time-eaters eyes and traveling throughout time.   
Another time we used this piece we were taken to a holographic dimension that was entirely dark.  We were wrapped up in a white light bubble and and could only see those things in our immediate surrounding.  I'd say the total lighting was no bigger than the area of a kitchen or living room.  As we walked around in the dimension, the light followed up like a raincloud in one of those old cartoons.  As we explored, we noticed these beings that looked like full-grown man-bats.  By this I mean that they looked like bats, but had the torso of a man.  Their faces were extremely ugly with beedy eyes that when the light shined on them made them appear like they could have been blind.  They nashed their teeth at the light as it passed by, but ran from the light as we approached.  At no point in time were the beings ever able to enter the vicinity of the cloud of light that we were covered in.  If you haven't figure it out by now, the realm that I'm talking about is Hell.  It wasn't exactly hell, as it was holographic, but the whole physical manifestation was exactly the same.  Don't worry, it took us a little bit to figure it out as well.  I guess we should have been able to tell by the overwhelming stench of rotting carcas.  Anyway, we determined through experimenting that while the demons were afraid of the white light because it was the white light of Christ.  This is why the ran; however, if you commanded a demon to come to you, it had to oblige, because we spoke with the authority of God.  This power let us command the demon to hold out their hands and we touched them.  Now, keep in mind that all demons were at one point in time or another angels created by God.  Each one of them was given a power.  They took this power with them when the fell from hell and instead of using these powers for good they use them for the torture of mankind and to steal souls.  As we touched the hands of the demons, the cloud of light that we were in filtered them through and allowed us to gain the origianl white light powers that they were given in Heaven.  By this method we were able to gain such powers as wealth, time-travel, astral travel, teleporting, psychic awakening, and more.  There are literally too many powers to list here.  I mean, there were legions upon legions of demons that we could extract powers from.  We were allowed to put the powers in a piece, which now fully embodies the powers that I am telling you about, which was cool when we came back to Earth because the powers were amplified, as they hold magic from another realm.  Plus, it is all white light, which means we can use it guilt free!!    
Another time, we used this piece and we were teleported to a far away star system.  We were catapulted through space and landed on the moon of one of the planets that existed within the star system.  From the moon we could see everything, as if we were atop a very high mountain looking into a valley.  We later figured out that this moon serves as the moon for this whole solar system.  Don't ask me how it works, but it travels in a system of a bunch of highly complicated figure 8s.  They star system is binary and somehow this allows the planets to travel in orbits that are octagonal instead of eliptical like our single star system.  It has something to do with the gravitational pull of their suns.  There are beings throughout this system and they travel not by spacecraft, but through system of highly advanced wormholes that took them millions of years to build.  They are like tunnels that take them to where they go almost immediately.  There is also no need for transporation that we have on this Earth.  You can think of these tunnels kind of like the chutes at a drive-up bank teller window.  They pull you through at atronomical speeds.  The reason why they can exist on all of the planets of their solar system is because they have adapted to meet the needs of their rugged terrain, kind of like the Russians have adapted to be able to live in Siberia.  The beings in this universe neither die, nor are born.  Like God, they have just always been.  Rather than lifecycles, they have developed what are called respawn centers.  After their life, which typically lasts around 3,000 years, the beings are taken to this tube.  They are placed in the tube, which is filled with a very bright, ultra-violet light.  It kind of looks like what you would recognize as a stand up tanning bed.  However, these machines are much more powerful.  We got to witness the respawn of one of the beings that was actually nearly 4,000 years old.  When they stand in the respawn center, theirs skin starts crack, similar to what happens when you boil an egg for too long.  After about what would be the equivalent of two human hours, their entire skin falls off, leaving only their skeletal structure and their brain.  It's like the molting process of a spider.  Their new body begins to form over top of their skeleton and they are rejuvenated to their original form when the first appeared eons ago.  We were given a piece that we could bring back to Earth with us that was made using the powers of the respawn station.  This piece not only allows the human to rejuvenate to perfect physical and mental health, but also grants them immortality.   
Again, these are just three of the experiences we have had with this ring!!  
This piece has been in Tomer's possession for some time.  It is a very powerful piece that was generated using his solely his own powers and his own experiences.  This piece is kind of like a time-capsule in the form of a diary.  This is because this piece lets you travel to all the places that Tomer has traveled.  It allows you to see all that he has ever seen in his eons of existence.  Remember, he is an immortal vampire and one of the most powerful, if not thee most powerful vampire entity that we have ever come into contact with.  He is even more powerful than shine and his white light abilities rival that of Raveniska.  He has even spent time with in the lands of ancient Atlantis and we all know that these were the most powerful of beings to ever scathe the face of Earth.  We have three very vivid experiences that we have had with this ring and we are offering the magic and knowledge of these experiences as separate pieces.  They serve as a great example of exactly what this piece will do for you.  Now, I know that this is only three examples, but just think-- Tomer has been around for a number of years that his greater than humankind has a number for.  Well, we probably have a number, but I assure you nobody has ever had to use it practically.  Then again, Tomer isn't practical being.  He exceeds the definitionof powerful and he has been to just about every part of existence that you can imagine-- even the ones that you can't.  The ability to travel to these places, see what he has seen, and gain all of the powers that are associated with Tomer's travels are what you get with this item.  Yes we are selling items that we have made with three of these experiences.  They are very powerful, but correspond only to these individual experiences.  This pieces, however, supercedes the power in any of these other three pieces that we have made.  This piece was made direclty by the hand of Tomer, using his original powers in raw form.  This is the ring that started it all and with it you gain ALL of his experiences, which are too many to list.   
Using this piece we traveled into a prismatic realm.  It was made entirely of glass that you could walk on, but you could see through it all directions.  It was made up of very bright colors, which led us to believe that this was a realm of heaven and that the being that we encountered was some kind of angel.  We are not entirely sure of this.  I guess it could have been some sort of extraterrestrial being.  Like I said, the realm was made entirely of glass and you could see through the glass in thousands of directions.  In one directions we saw a herd of anamorphic beings that had the bodies a lion and the head of a man.  In another direction we saw a choir of angels.  In another direction we could see all of Earth at one time.  In other directions we could see entire parallel dimensions, and several universes of varying size.  In one corner of this room was a being.  It was the only being that we saw there.  It was called the Eater of time and he had millions upon millions of eyes.  His eyes can see into every possible direction, but not just in the here and now.  He has an eye for every direction of all times.  As new things happens, it grows another eye.  In just the time that we seen it, it grew several dozen eyes.  When you touch your forehead to the forehead of this creature, it blasts its power to you through your third eye and you can see through which one of his millions of eyes that you want.  If you specify a specific thing you want to see or place you want to go it will pick up that and send you there.  When you look through the eyes of this being, it will beam you through its vision to whatever place in time you want to visit.  Conversely, you can just choose to look through all of its eyes.  When you find somewhere you want to go, it will know and send you there.  You can then gain whatever powers and magic are associated with what that eye is seeing.  Before we left, we channeled the powers of the time-eater into an item that allows the ability to travel directly to the time-eater's glass realm.  You can then do the same things we did, as far as seeing through the time-eaters eyes and traveling throughout time.   
Another time we used this piece we were taken to a holographic dimension that was entirely dark.  We were wrapped up in a white light bubble and and could only see those things in our immediate surrounding.  I'd say the total lighting was no bigger than the area of a kitchen or living room.  As we walked around in the dimension, the light followed up like a raincloud in one of those old cartoons.  As we explored, we noticed these beings that looked like full-grown man-bats.  By this I mean that they looked like bats, but had the torso of a man.  Their faces were extremely ugly with beedy eyes that when the light shined on them made them appear like they could have been blind.  They nashed their teeth at the light as it passed by, but ran from the light as we approached.  At no point in time were the beings ever able to enter the vicinity of the cloud of light that we were covered in.  If you haven't figure it out by now, the realm that I'm talking about is Hell.  It wasn't exactly hell, as it was holographic, but the whole physical manifestation was exactly the same.  Don't worry, it took us a little bit to figure it out as well.  I guess we should have been able to tell by the overwhelming stench of rotting carcas.  Anyway, we determined through experimenting that while the demons were afraid of the white light because it was the white light of Christ.  This is why the ran; however, if you commanded a demon to come to you, it had to oblige, because we spoke with the authority of God.  This power let us command the demon to hold out their hands and we touched them.  Now, keep in mind that all demons were at one point in time or another angels created by God.  Each one of them was given a power.  They took this power with them when the fell from hell and instead of using these powers for good they use them for the torture of mankind and to steal souls.  As we touched the hands of the demons, the cloud of light that we were in filtered them through and allowed us to gain the origianl white light powers that they were given in Heaven.  By this method we were able to gain such powers as wealth, time-travel, astral travel, teleporting, psychic awakening, and more.  There are literally too many powers to list here.  I mean, there were legions upon legions of demons that we could extract powers from.  We were allowed to put the powers in a piece, which now fully embodies the powers that I am telling you about, which was cool when we came back to Earth because the powers were amplified, as they hold magic from another realm.  Plus, it is all white light, which means we can use it guilt free!!    
Another time, we used this piece and we were teleported to a far away star system.  We were catapulted through space and landed on the moon of one of the planets that existed within the star system.  From the moon we could see everything, as if we were atop a very high mountain looking into a valley.  We later figured out that this moon serves as the moon for this whole solar system.  Don't ask me how it works, but it travels in a system of a bunch of highly complicated figure 8s.  They star system is binary and somehow this allows the planets to travel in orbits that are octagonal instead of eliptical like our single star system.  It has something to do with the gravitational pull of their suns.  There are beings throughout this system and they travel not by spacecraft, but through system of highly advanced wormholes that took them millions of years to build.  They are like tunnels that take them to where they go almost immediately.  There is also no need for transporation that we have on this Earth.  You can think of these tunnels kind of like the chutes at a drive-up bank teller window.  They pull you through at atronomical speeds.  The reason why they can exist on all of the planets of their solar system is because they have adapted to meet the needs of their rugged terrain, kind of like the Russians have adapted to be able to live in Siberia.  The beings in this universe neither die, nor are born.  Like God, they have just always been.  Rather than lifecycles, they have developed what are called respawn centers.  After their life, which typically lasts around 3,000 years, the beings are taken to this tube.  They are placed in the tube, which is filled with a very bright, ultra-violet light.  It kind of looks like what you would recognize as a stand up tanning bed.  However, these machines are much more powerful.  We got to witness the respawn of one of the beings that was actually nearly 4,000 years old.  When they stand in the respawn center, theirs skin starts crack, similar to what happens when you boil an egg for too long.  After about what would be the equivalent of two human hours, their entire skin falls off, leaving only their skeletal structure and their brain.  It's like the molting process of a spider.  Their new body begins to form over top of their skeleton and they are rejuvenated to their original form when the first appeared eons ago.  We were given a piece that we could bring back to Earth with us that was made using the powers of the respawn station.  This piece not only allows the human to rejuvenate to perfect physical and mental health, but also grants them immortality.   
Again, these are just three of the experiences we have had with this ring!!