Voodoo Blood Magic
Voodoo Blood Magic
Voodoo Blood Magic

Voodoo Blood Magic

Regular price $38.00
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This "piece" is actually a set of earrings with red stones.  It hasn't actually been made with any blood.  Rather, they have been given the energies of a Voodoo blood ritual that has taken place in Mississippi.  I've told you before the Mississippi Voodoo is much gorier than Louisiana Voodoo.  Anyway, this was a blood sacrifice that was being made to Papa Legba that has bound him with a loyalty spell, because he is a sneaky snake to have to deal with.  When you own this piece, you own Papa's loyalty.  This is a powerful thing because he is the guardian of the crossroads between the mortal and the immortal planes of existence and can summon the magic of any Voodoo god to assist you.  You will need to do a little bit of research to determine which Voodoo god/dess can help you, but this piece (with the presence of Papa Legba) will help you summon th magic it.