This piece is an antique coming out of Europe. This is not a light piece. I’m not meaning it’s dark, I mean it’s heavy duty and one of the items we call a living breathing entity. This means the piece just is and has always been. We did not cast a spell, we did not conjure it, we did not call it, it just is.
This holds Ishtar. This Goddess is that of seduction, beauty, fertility, love and sex. Her beauty is so great no one can look away. She never stops working and is forceful!!! Her supernatural ability is beyond the bounds of reason. She can take a mans balls and turn them blue for you!
Your hair, your skin, your lips and legs, your ta ta’s and boomtastic ass will reign supreme! It’s not just the body though it’s the power of your hypnotic ability soon to shock you! Not only do you get that but in the bedroom your body will be like clay. You might think you were possessed the way you will be able to move. Moving on to the mind you will know what to say and do to capture the adoration of your prey!
You want this one. Walk through town turning heads no matter what you look like! Fat, skinny, short or tall you can bed them all! Are you riding a scooter through Walmart? Are your boobs hanging to your knees? Do you scare your own self when you look into the mirror? Who cares! Everyone needs love even if technically you could suffocate them if you fall on them! This is for every woman out there! The TV tells you to love your body no matter what your size, that’s great and all that but do others love it? Now they will! Flaunt your flab or skinny up your mini! No matter what everyone will want that butt!
Ladies it’s go time! I only have one. Welcome to the world of Ishtar!