This item is undenialy one of the most powerful items that we have ever come across-- and we have two of them. To be honest, we have two of them. We have cloned the first one using a cloning magic that worked once and then for whatever reason it has stopped working. We even tried getting it to clone other items and it didn't work. The only item we have ever been able to clone is this piece. Is it weird or is it destiny? I'm not sure, I'll let you be the judge. One of these items is going up for auction and the other on the website. The price on the website will be $5,000. If you are interested in bidding on the one that goes on auction, there will be a $400.00 reserve price on it. We are placing the original on the website and the one that we clone on auction. It's not that the one for auction is any less powerful-- they are truly identical in every way. It's just that we decided that we wanted to do it that way. They are both made out of sterling silver and they both hold a real crystal ball. I will be writing as if we only have one of these items, because it's easier for me to remember to say this piece instead of these pieces. Just know that we do have two of them.
This piece is essentially a merging of two powers. The source of the powers are the same and in some ways I guess you could say that the one is the key that starts the ignition to the other. The work separately, but when the powers are merged together they create some extraordinary. Now, I'm sure that you have all heard of the crystal skulls. There are many crystal skulls that have originated many different places, but there are 13 original skulls. They are referred to as the savior skulls. They are savior skulls because all of the knowledge of the ancients was set into these skulls in a last ditch effort to hide powerful magic from the encroachment of the Europeans. The ancients knew that their physical bodies weren't going to last much longer and they wanted to make sure they had a place to hold their magic so they could access it in human form.
In fact, it wasn't the skulls that originally held the power and the knowledge. Rather, it was a crystal pyramid that lived in the jungles of South America. I'm talking about the deep, deep jungles-- the ones where not even Google Earth knows what's going with. It is a hidden crystal pyramid that was set there by an extraterrestrial force that once visited the ancients in South America to give them extra-human knowledge. This pyramid was closely guarded by the ancients, but its crystal was mined prior to the arrival and takeover by the Spaniards. The crystal was fashioned into 13 Crystal Skulls. Or, at least that's what was previously believed. However, as you will see with the items that we are offering there was one more item that was created. It was more powerful than the 13 skulls themselves. It was a source of all-knowledge and held incredible, miraculous properites. It was a round, smooth crystal ball.
Why is this crystal ball so important? Well, that's very easy to explain. I'll first begin by saying that the crystal pyramid that was placed in the jungle wasn't simply a cyrstal pyramid. Rather, it was a lifeform. It was placed there by an extraterrestrial lifeform that visited Earth in very old times. This extraterrestrial lifeform is the same lifeform that modern people call God. He found the secrets of the crystal somewhere in the universe and it caused him to evolve into what he has become today. Some see God as a spiritual being, others see him as something else. However you see him, just know that He is a really evolved, advanced being and he is the one that set the Crystal Pyramid in the jungles of South America to give the people that lived there the chance to evolve just as he has. He created the crystal cave as it's own lifeform of knowledge and magic and into it he placed ancient primordial lifeforms. When you use the crystal ball they chant and sing, which causes the crystal to reverberate in ways that will allow you to get the reaction that you want. More on that later.
So, meanwhile on the other side of the globe there came into existence a covert group that calls themselves the Priory of Sion. I'm not going to get into details about this group. Chances are that you've already heard of them, anyway. The fact is that they were put in charge of keeping safe the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is a chalice that has the ability to grant great powers when it is drunk from. However, I'm not here to discuss that right now, I'm here to discuss the fact that the grail-- a bowl shaped mechanism-- was place into a stand that was created with sterling silver. On the front of it is the face of God, which is actually the form God takes when he assumes a humanoid form and manifests himself to human beings. The fact is, this is actually nothing like what he lookes like in actuality, especially not since His evolution into an almighty and all-powerful presence. The point is, that the grail rested in the stand when not being used. The grail was, once upon a time, stolen from the priory and now the whereabouts of it is a mystery, which is okay because the stand holds its own magical function. It holds a spark that activates other powers and magic. This is because it was constructed partly with metal that was melted down and reformed that came from Jesus' Crucifixion.
Now that your wheels are probably turning and you are beginning to see where are story pieces together I can delve into exactly what this item is. First and foremost, we got this item at the underground auction from a man that only deals with rare and one-of-a-kind items. There's no telling how he came across it, because he never gives out his sources. We have bought a few things from him now and they have all been sold with rave reviews on the power they have provided for the people who have bought them. This piece is a merging of two separate pieces. First it is the stand that once held the Holy Grail, crafted out of silver and metal that was used during the Crucifixion. Second, it is the crystal ball that was craved out of the crystal from the hidden Crystal pyramid in South America. The powers converge to create a "perfect storm' scenario. This is truly one of the most powerful relics we have ever come across.
When standing in front of this piece, you will begin to fell its powers and its presence. When gazing into the ball you will begin to see and witness the primdordial forms that once lived inside of the crystal Pyramid, they will sing and chant and the reverberations create an ultrasonic sound that will the means to telepathically connect to the Crystal Ball, which was formed from a source of crystal that was in and of itself a lifeform, as well. You will begin to see yourself in a whole different light. I don't mean as a reflection, but you will see yourself in the primordial state. This piece holds the life knowledge from before we were created by God, who used the knowledge that he found to form all that we know and are familiar with, including ourselves. It holds the master DNA sequenc, the paradigm of life from which we were all created and formed. We vary, but we were all created with the same life essence and this piece gives you the knowledge of that essence. You will be able to see yourself being formed and you will be able to act like God and add in any power, magic, or ability that you want. All you have to do is speak the power or ability out loud. The primordial lifeforms inside of the crystal all will then chant the necessary coding to add it to your life. You will not feel pain or anything else. It might take a week or two for the energies to course through body and come to fruition, but whatever you have spoken will become part of who you are.
The second thing that this piece will do is begin your evolution. Remember earlier when I told you that God found an energy somewhere in the universe that has allowed him to evolve into something all-powerful and all-knowing-- the perfect extraterrestrial, immortal, and esoteric race? Well, this piece holds those secrets as well. It doesn't matter what religion you are or what belief you subscribe to. This is about that, it is about a higher consciousness that exists above what we all believe in. It was there before God, it was there before whatever you believe in. It will allow you to evolve and grow into a supreme and divine being, both in form and in knowledge. In other words, you will becoming out of your shell to exist like God, Allah, the Earth Mother, Moloch, or any other deity you can think of. The difference is, you will get to do it your own way. You don't have to do it like other deities have done it. You will get to do it your own way. This happens, slowly, gradually, of course. If it didn't and it happened all in one night, the likelihood of survival would be slim to none. You will simply allow this entity to live in your home and you will bathe in its powers daily without ever having to do a thing.
Third and last, you will be able to see all the things that were ever created using this crystal ball. Look, it has been around for awhile and it doesn't come with a Carfax report, okay? Many people have used this piece to evolve. Many people have used this piece to create powers and abilities for themselves. Many people have used this piece to create worlds and places that exist apart from our own. This is why our universe is multidimensional. You will be able to see the accomplishments that have been done using this piece. To do this you will simply gaze into the crystal ball like a mystic reading somebody's future. It will all be shown to you. You can even do this by keeping the piece next to you while you sleep and it will be delivered by a dream. It is easier this way for a lot of people, because meditating and gazing require a ton of concentration and oneness. Either way, you can and will be able to do it using the energies in this piece. They are captivating and they will draw you in.
As you can see, this piece is so powerful because it is layered with many different layers of magic. I won't even call it a power, I will say that this piece provides a once in a lifetime experience. There is no other experience beyond this one that I would personally ever need to have. This is pretty much the end-all, be-all of any type of magic you want or anything you wish to become or create. It is the ultimate ability to metamorphize your life and your existence into what you want it to be by molding and bending to your own satisfaction. Again, we do have two of these because we were able to use our cloning magic. Now, I'm not sure if it was just a fluke or if we will be able to clone other items. That's pretty much unrelated and I can you all know about that later. The point is that this piece is ultra-ultra-ultra powerful and it is not a piece you want to pass up!!