I Am That I Am:  Unveiling the Fractal Conscious
I Am That I Am:  Unveiling the Fractal Conscious
I Am That I Am:  Unveiling the Fractal Conscious
I Am That I Am:  Unveiling the Fractal Conscious
I Am That I Am:  Unveiling the Fractal Conscious
I Am That I Am:  Unveiling the Fractal Conscious
I Am That I Am:  Unveiling the Fractal Conscious
I Am That I Am:  Unveiling the Fractal Conscious

I Am That I Am: Unveiling the Fractal Conscious

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The piece that you are getting is this sterling lion ring with red stone eye.  The lion symbolizes courage and knowledge and is the king of the jungle.  Likewise, you will become one with the kings and the gods of the universe.  Please read below, you don't want to miss this!

If you are in any way, shape, or fashion connected to the world of the occult or esoteric then you will know the following phrase-- I Am That I Am.  It is a phrase that was said to Moses by God from a burning bush.  it has also been said by numerous gods throughout history.  How about this one-- "I am all that ever was and all that will ever be."  That is probably most famous from the Bible, simply because everyone these days knows the Bible.  However, it was first said by Isis as mentioned in her motif in the city of Sais.  It has been said in many different fashions, but the way she chooses to say it is as follows- "I, Isis am all that has been, that is, or shall be.  No mortal man has ever me unveiled."  

So, then what is the deal with all this talk?  What does I am the I am mean?  What does it mean to be all that is, was, or will ever be?  Well, it is kind of hard for human minds to comprehend because we are trained to be individuals, but the truth is that we are God and God is us.  

Our entire reality is one single living organism.  We are all conjoined in creation and we are all composed entirely of conscious light.  Having said that, we are all fractals of this Universal Consciousness that is our entire reality.  It is how we exist separately, but when it comes down to it, we also exist as the same.  

This seems a bit far-fetched and strange, but I promise you that it is true.  That is how the ancient adepts were so much more powerful than people of the modern mindset.  They knew the human mind was much more advanced and intelligent when actually put to work.

In a nutshell, the phrase I am that I am simply means that each of us in the universe is a small fragment of the creator.  Well, who is the creator?  The creator is whoever is real for you.  What do I mean?  Well if we are all fractals of the same Universal Conscious and we all have God living within in us then it is very possible that all Gods are One God-- sort of like the Holy Trinity is One.  It is also possible that we can manifest our existence into that of a god or goddess.  

When using this piece, the manifestation will occur.  You will be rejoined to the Universal Conscious we are all part of.  The energies in this piece go to work and remove the veil from within our consciousness that separates our fractal conscious from the universal conscious.  This is what was meant when Isis said that no mortal man has ever unveiled her-- because she was already part of the Universal Conscious and she was already unveiled.  She has never been veiled and is part of the Universal Conscious, which is the driving force of existence.  

Through your unveiling, you will become part of the Universal Conscious, also.  This means you will gain access to the knowledge of any god that ever existed in history.  You will be able to use their knowledge and their magic in your fractal, mortal form.  In other words, the magic of any god or goddess is at your fingertips and can be manifested into the mortal realm.  All you have to do is use this piece to connect the god or goddess of your choice and their knowledge will be given to you because you will see and recognize the Universal Conscious for what it really is.