Manifestations of the Japayi-Kishi
Manifestations of the Japayi-Kishi
Manifestations of the Japayi-Kishi
Manifestations of the Japayi-Kishi

Manifestations of the Japayi-Kishi

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Here's the thing-- when you are a magician and you immortal sometimes you just want society to leave you the heck alone.  Sometimes you band together with other magicians that just want to be left alone.  Then, maybe the banded together magicians (who have shapeshifting powers) decide that they are going to turn into a breed of mysterious primates that are sometimes spotted in regions in China, Turkmenistan, and Kazahkstan.  They are called the Japayi-kishi.  They hold ancient human-form transposition magic.  In layman's terms that means shapeshifting.  They hold other magic, but among their own cirlces the shapeshifting is what they are known for.  This piece gives you a version of their power and allows you to take whatever spiritual form you want on the astral plane.  You will meditate with this piece and manifest the form you want to take.  When you are finished and you return to you physical form, you will still retain the metaphysical qualities of the form or forms you have taken in the astral realm.  If you became a Phoenix you will know great wealth.  If you became a vampire you will know sanguine magic.  If you became djinn you will know their magic.  The magic you receive depends on the metaphysical form that you decide to manifest.