The 72 Names By Monsieur Chuchani
The 72 Names By Monsieur Chuchani
The 72 Names By Monsieur Chuchani
The 72 Names By Monsieur Chuchani
The 72 Names By Monsieur Chuchani

The 72 Names By Monsieur Chuchani

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Monsieur Chouchani

Not much is know about the mysterious Monsieur Chouchani other than the fact that he dresse like a vagabond and had a number of high-profile protege that he taught his ancient magic to. He was well-versed in many areas, but was especially knowlegable when it came to the mysteries of the Talmud.

One of the mysteries that he was privvy to is the 72 Names of GOd. These are 72 magical powers that only God has the ability to speak into existence. However, knowing what these 72 names are gives the person using them the ability to develop a connection to them in order manifest the names here on Earth. These are 72 arcane forms of magic that will be released to you when meditating with this piece. These names are not able to be said or typed and you will exprience them when you use this piece.  It was made by Monsieur for his students.  We got this piece at the underground auction, which is why it is going for a cheap price. Through using this piece, the 72 names will manifest themselves into your subconscious.