African Yumboes
African Yumboes
African Yumboes
African Yumboes
African Yumboes
African Yumboes
African Yumboes

African Yumboes

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These hold 6 African Yumboes. These were like fairies and stood about two feet tall. They lived in caverns and only came out at night. They were white skinned and acted just like people including how they dressed. 

The Yumboes like to fish, get drunk and party. They love fermented palm or palm leaf soaked in wine. The Yumboes do love, I mean really love other humans. This started with the meeting of a British family they got to know. One of the members died and they all mourned to a almost constant depression. It was from that family they got to know humans. 

What is really special about the Yumboes? They have the ability to become invisible. This was found out on accident after the one family member died. They danced on the grave as a gift and would all of a sudden not be there. To the Yumboes this is normal! To the British it was unheard of. The one British family took some of them with them when they left s d they wanted to go and travel, it had been said they can pass on their powers and even know a lot more. 

My experience with them has been nothing but happy and interesting. They truly are a loving race of people and I hope they stay that way. What I mean is I hope they do not get corrupted. 

All of the Yumboes are paired and here is the list. A few of the names have been changed so we could pronounce them but they are okay with it and don’t mind at all.

We have George and Georgie. They are an older couple with pure white hair and white skin. They are the leaders of their group. They are invisible a lot of the time because they say it’s how they soak up magic for the rest of the group.


You also have Shan and Irdo. Those are their real names. Shan is the male and Irdo the female. They Shan has pure gold hair and Irdo has pure white.

Last you have Persi and Tustud. Persi has white hair with brown and black stripes. Tustud has an almost stunning silver hair.

The last two couples are young and they do have families. The necklace this comes with you need to keep. You can get more vessels as they have families but this is the anchor vessel. The only thing that has changed on it has been the clasp.

i love them! They are kind, comforting, protective, loyal and the men are warriors! Because they have no bullshit in their lives they are able to transfer psychic ability and other abilities they obtain so easily. You will love them!