The Seven Palaces of Arabot
The Seven Palaces of Arabot
The Seven Palaces of Arabot
The Seven Palaces of Arabot

The Seven Palaces of Arabot

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In a separate order of business, I had to contact the Archangel Anaphiel. For those of you who are not familiar with Anaphiel all me to introduce the two of you. He is associated with the great prophet Enoch and the powerful angel Metatron. His presence is described in the Merkabah as one of the 8 great angels and is the chief seal bearer of the lord, meaning he bears witness to all of God's miraculous powers and white light magic. He was given power and authority over other angels.

Perhaps the most powerful of all of his roles are Anaphiel's duty as the keeper of the keys of the seven palaces in Arabot. Arabot is the Seventh Level of Heaven. It is in this Seventh Heaven where all of God's most powerful and prized white light magic and secrets of the future are kept. There are seven palaces and each of the palaces holds a magic or knowledge of God. Some of the palaces hold more than one secret or magic, but they all hold at least one.

This piece was created for me by the hands of Anaphiel. When you wear this piece you will gain a connection to the angel. It is through this connection that you will be introduced to the seven palaces of Arabat. It is through Anaphiel that you will be able to travel to Heaven in the astral form In this form you will first be given the white light baptism of the holy spirit. This will prepare your soul for entrance into the Seven Palaces.

These seven ancient forms of white light magic that you will be receiving are sourced in straight-up, pure, white light God magic. There is nothing iffy about them. I cannot divulge what these seven ancient magics are, but I can guarantee you that you are not going to want to miss out on this piece.

When you begin using the piece the Archangel will come to you either in full spiritual form or in telepathic form. If in physical form he will take you by the hand your soul will leave your body. If in telepathic form, he will utter ancient words of white light into your, allowing your body to leave your soul and travel to Arabot.

These ancient powers are white light, but they are also truths and divine knowledge. They are the most powerful secrets of God and accessing these will put your magical ability on the level of our universe's creator! I know it seems like a lot of ambiguity, but we cannot go throwing around sacred knowledge like that. There has to be a balance of this type of information and this piece is one that helps regular it. There will only ever be a few mortals that are able to share in this experience, so you might as well be the one!

In all his greatness, Anaphiel made this piece out of Malgache Neon Apatite, which is a very rare type of blue stone, and sterling silver.  When you wear this piece you can feel the magic flowing through it like a spark of electricity!