In 1800, the Royal Casket was created. It was created by Princess Izabela Czartoryska as a collection of artifacts such as jewels worn by the Kings of Poland, works of art and other mementos. It was eventually seized by Nazi Germany and the contents was lost forever. We got our hands on one of the pieces that was once in this royal casket. We are not offering the piece for sale, but we have transferred the entity that was in the piece that we received into the piece that you will receive.
Summoned into this piece is an ancient vampire that was worn by one of the kings of Poland. We aren't sure which one, but maybe you can get it out of him. His name is Petrovsky and that is the name you will call him by. I think it was given to him by the king, because before that he didn't have a name at all. This entity will share with you any and all aspects of sanguine magic that you desire to know. All you have to do is connect with this piece through meditation and the he will communicate with you in telepathic form, granting you the magic that you ask of him.