Valva Zilelor<br /><br />
We all know the the Romanian Gypsies are famous-- in some cases infamous-- for the involvement and mastery of the magic preserved in witchery. It's why they've travelled so much. They keep getting booted from place to place, because people are afraid of the raw power, which they possess. In Gypsy cultures, witches are referred to as Valva. Valva are subdivided into two distinct categories. Valva Albe are white witches. Valva Negre are dark witches. They control all magic of their respective types-- either white or dark. Romanian magic really is that simple-- it's either ill fated or beneficial. There is no in between, except in one instance. It is the case of the Valva Zilelor. <br /><br />
The Valva Zilelor's name literally translates to the "witch of the days." She is the grand protectorate of time and holds all the magic associated with time. She is neither dark nor white, because time is older than all of that. She does not bother with the pettiness of anything other the pure existence and pure power. Valva Zilelor will open up your third eye and allow psychic visions of the Romanian Holographic Temple of Time. Keep in mind that the Romani Gypsies are direct descendants of the ancient Egyptians and there powers work very similarly. In effect, when you open up the Romanian Holographic Temple of Time, you are also opening up the Holographic Crystal Pyramid. The coincide with one another. Once in the Temple of Time, you will able to see and know everything. Existence will play before you, as if you were watching a movie. You gain the power to control what you are seeing and to manipulate time and destiny. You will gain the powers of the Keeper of Time, or as the Roma Gypsies call her, Valva Zilelor!! <br /><br />