Dogs have always been considered "man's best friend"- in stories; Marmaduke, Clifford (The Big Red Dog), in movies; Beethoven, Benji, Hooch- and even in real life. One dog in particular, Guinefort, transcends the accomplishments of all these canines- as he was bestowed with Sainthood. During the 13th century in France, a dog was left with the charge of a knight's infant son. Upon returning from his hunt the knight was greeted with the grisly sight of his faithful companion with blood covering his jaws. Fearing the worst, the knight blindly assumed that the dog had taken the life of his son, so he reciprocated and slew the dog where he stood. As he withdrew the sword from his hound's lifeless carcass, he heard a child crying and discovered his son under an overturned cot- lying next to the body of a dead serpent. Instantly regretting his error in judgement, he came to the conclusion that the snake had been threatening the life of his son and that his loyal dog had eliminated the threat. Filled with remorse, he dropped the dog down a well and covered it with stones, creating a the "Shrine of Guinefort. Villagers, upon hearing this selfless tale of bravery, began to recognize the dog as a protector and "saint" (if you will) of babies. It was reported that people would bring their sickly, germ-riddled children to the Shrine where they would be miraculously healed. News of this spread fast and soon the infirm, the lame, and the eldery were coming from all over the land to be healed by Saint Guinefort. As the years passed, the son of that knight grew up to be a great prophet and it is believed that the Serpent that was going to take his life had been the Devil. It was also believed that Guinefort had, in fact, been a "Heaven Hound" and was sent to the knight to keep his child from being killed, thus depriving the world of his many talents and gifts.
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This piece has been imbued with the power of Saint Guinefort and will protect the bearer as well as their families and contains great healing abilities. It also will grant the bearer with Second Sight and the gift of prophecy.
This item is a pure amethyst heart that holds the purple, pure fire of Guinefort. Using this item you can summon his spirit and bring him forth to bestow his blessings.