Re-routing Revenge
Biorhythm is the cyclic periodicties or recurrent phases of mood and behaviors that are observed in living organisms. The rhythmic flow of energy an activity is found everywhere in nature, from the circling of the heavenly bodies, the movement of the sun, the waxing and waning of the moon, the seasons and the weather, to the cyclic biological changes in animals and men.
Biorhythm is the study of these cycles as they affect all speices, but in particular humans.
It is well known that human life is subject to certain rhythmic fluctuations that operate in all physiological activities, and are associated with the functions of the body. These rhythms may operate at intervals ranging from microseconds to several years, and the human organism has a built-in biological clock by means of which these rhythms are timed, and to which they are adjusted. Their longer or shorter periodicities are to a considerable degree related to the seasons, cosmic rays, constellations, sunspot and sun movements, phases of the moon and other cosmo-biological factors. They are also connected with the age and sex of the individual an collective low and high points. There are known to be a host of diseases that occur in cycles in epidemic form.
Many of our ordinary activities have a rhythmic character: the measured progression of walking and running, the contractions of peristalsis, the rhythm of coition, the contractions of travail. It has been established that there are rhythmic cycles in most physiological processes, the rate of cell division, the discharge of neural impulses, temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate, metabolism, energy levels, blood-cell count, hemoglobin levels, the volume and chemistry of the urine, bowel and kidney function, brain activity, the level and rate of manufacture of amino-acids, alkaline, semen, oxygen and body sugar!
In short, or long, waves these cycles are a universal biological phenomenon. The polarity of the brain cells show changes which occur in fractions of a second, as revealed by electroencephalographs.
Our 'clock' is censored and affected by a variance of attributes that implore throughout our lives. This is best seen in women when they go through menopause, the hot flashes, mood swings and associated ailments are triggered by the clock being hindered -- like when a clock will slowly start to stop as the batteries are dying -- the second hand may move, but the clock is not longer keeping time!
We suffer from the unusual effect on the human organism, and any disruption of the normal day-and-night cycle will indicate disturbances in the release of endorphin's that we need. This is seen most often in night workers, and those who work rotating shifts.
Each biorhythm is joined like large and small interlinked rings, and the determining pattern they form at any one time is what has been discovered to make humans tick.
It is these rhythms that make use what we are -- they influence our character and conduct; make us happy, or grumpy; accident prone; lucky; fretful or optimistic; and plunge us into situations that lead to success, divorce, popularity, sickness, murder, disgrace or death.
This respected item is a particle piece that charts the flow of rhythms to the one who you give this piece to. This piece has been imparted with follicles that will hinder and contribute chaos to the rhythms of the one who has this! You can get revenge on someone by messing up the internal activities that make them tick. This will make the person have lousy days daily; they will not be popular; they will most likely lose their relationship, or marriage; and simply become a disgrace. This is very powerful as the tainting of the rhythms is a massive protocol to human life! Revenge was never easier!