About a month ago I fell asleep on the couch and about 3 in the morning I woke up from a flash of sudden light. I saw what looked like a skeleton floating parallel to me, just hovering and staring.
I closed my eyes and shook my head to make sure I was really awake, opened my eyes again and there were 2 more skeletons floating in the room. The skeletons were almost appearing as an x-ray, they were see-through with an illuminating glow. I didn't feel threatened just kind of weirded out. I said, "I'm going to bed", got up and went to my bedroom and went back to sleep.
The event really perplexed me and frightened me a little in the context that I have been ill for a while so I was afraid of a deeper meaning. But I know I was awake, so I was relating the event to my daughter and my sister to get their feelings about the incident, and my daughter told me that she experienced the same occurrence the week after I did.
I had a medical procedure while my husband was out of town so my daughter spent the night with me and slept on the downstairs couch. She said she was awakened by a flash of light and found a skeleton floating around the couch so she got up and turned the TV on.
My daughter also worried that the event was tied to my ill health, but also wondered if it was her dad who we lost in 1996, but I said surely not since both her and I have seen her father several times in our dreams when he contacts us and I don't believe he would want to scare or unnerve us.
The occurrences kept happeneing in my home to the point in which I had a healer come to bless the house, as I had no idea what was going on?!
From the channeling of strength to bring back solace in my home, we learned that what we saw were perpexual markers that bring about awareness between the dimensional forces of life and death.
These "skeletons" were disciple delegates that were flashing knowledge so that I would go to the doctor and get checked. I had not felt well for a while, but avoided the doctor as I thought that it was just depression from losing my husband, as I had been in a funk for literally years.
The lifting alert was to allow me to identify that I needed help -- and after going to the doctor I found out I had stage 2 breast cancer and issues with brittle bones! I honestly would not have gone to the doctor had the "messages" not bee n portrayed and the healer have been able to identify the entities in our home.
I have now been a breat cancer survivor for 9 months and have supplements to help with calcium levels -- I feel like a new person, I have a new lease on life again!!
The forces were granted through a portal that I feel my husband opened up for us. Deedee and Jason, from Haunted Curiosities, were brought in and conjured the force so that this remarkable allure of dimensional knowledge could help others!!
We have been able to revert the strength and knowledge into several items. The portal hub is still within Sally's home - but the follicles of energy have been interjected within these items.
This is a source that will help direct you in your time of need -- as the calling can channel concerns from your loved ones, living and deceased, and allow the entities within this realm to bring forth mesages to embark great changes for you!