This item has been made using a charging box that we have had for many years. While the box is not for sale, the item is and if need be we can make more, because we have mastered the art of energy and magic transference using our box. This is only one of these pieces, but it is very powerful indeed. This piece has been recreated using the power and energetic properties found in Mexican Mica that was shipped to us after an investigation at the Pyramid of the Sun and other sacred structures in Teotihuacan. The Mica we received is a piece of the original rock that was used to construct base platform of the Pyramid of the Sun.
After a fierce investigation using the rock, we have determined that the rock isn't merely a piece of rock at all... rather it is something much more powerful. It is the solidified blood flow of the gods. They are the gods that visited the Mayans in ancient times to give them visions of all things. In the literal sense, you would think that gods would translate to ethereal shining beings. In a sense they were ethereal, but they weren't really supernatural at all, as the name gods translates to "visitors". They are the same visitors that taught the Egyptians their ancients secrets of the construction of the Great Pyramids of Giza. The visitors also taught the ancients alchemy and the ability to transmogrify sacred blood into material objects. The visitors left behind a sacrifice of their own blood, which the ancient transmogrified into a precious stone called mica. This is why both the bases and the capstones of pyramids found in both Egyptian and Mayan cultures contain mica. The mica isn't merely a stone, but the solidified blood of the gods that visited them long ago.
So I want to explain exactly what has been done. We have retained the mica that we have recovered as a result of an investigation at the Pyramid of the Sun. It has been placed in the charging box with the item. The pure powers of the Mica have been transfused to this listed piece. This piece now contains the full magical range of the original Mica, hence the original powers of the gods or visitors that visited the ancient Mayans and Egyptians so many years ago.
Basically what this piece will do for you is allow you to leave your body and travel astrally. You arrive inside of a living, breathing pyramid. The pyramid isn't shaped like a pyramid would be in mortal form. Rather, this is a spirit form pyramid that grows and changes based on the wealth of magic and powers that it must accommodate for. It is constantly growing and changing, acquiring newer better powers!! It is more or less a giant magic brain that keeps growing with magical knowledge, because every time a new magic is created, a duplicate form of the magic is placed into this pyramid. The pyramid was created by the visitors... whomever they might be. However, I don't think that even they knew how powerful it would eventually grow to become at the time that they built it. This item will allow you to spiritually merge with the pyramid's capstone-- the most powerful part of the pyramid. It will open up your third eye-- the capstone of the human mind and existence. You will be given a spiritual umbilical chord that will connect you and the eternal, living pyramid at the capstone! Your connection will be eternal and ever present.
Needless to say, you will be inheriting all of the pyramid's knowledge and powers! I can't go down and list ALL of the magic and powers you will attain because it depends on how much of an effort you put in personally and because this piece reacts to everyone differently depending on your genetic make-up. Believe me, though, it will be one of the most powerful experiences you've ever had.
NOTE* Both of these pieces will light up,get warm,glow and beat as your heart does. I only have two of these in this form so if it is something that you really like make sure you get one of the two. What is interesting and unique about this item is that it is ALIVE! This is a living and breathing magic that is with you when you wear it so it doesn't have to be forever if you don't want it.n Many items are. Once they bond with you that is it,done. With this piece you can have that but if you just want to astral travel or understand ancient magic you can. The reason these pieces are as they are is because of the ancient blood that gets in this case,fused with the glass. Just like a diamond forms from coal these pieces were formed from the most powerful stuff ONCE on Earth,Blood!