Keeping Up With the Armenians
Armenia was the first nation in the world to adopt Christianity, converting in 301 CE. By this time, an Armenian community had already been established in Jerusalem for 200 years, and, uniquely, Armenian Christians have clung doggedly on to their own corner of the Holy City ever since.
Today, 2,500 live there, complete with Armenian Cathedral and monastery. The Armenians once had sole control of Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity too, and it's an American inscription that you read on the door leading to the church's interior.
One further oddity is San Lazzaro degli Armeni, a former leper colony in the middle of Venice lagoon, had been taken over by Armenian scholar-monks in 1715, and it still retains a global reputation as a font of Armenian culture and learning. In its library, the island monastery holds 150,000 books and an Egyptian mummy!!
The prevalence of religious portrayal stems from Armenia, and this is why America is so intertwined with the Kardashian clan. The Kardashian's stem from Armenian roots and their spirits project clarity of the coveted blessings, due to a centric wrath in their auras!
A soon to be lost appeal, this blessing that is divulged upon Armenian blood at birth in the monastery truly grants ultimate blessings to that child and their offspring. It is noted that the sisters bloodline showcases a direct connection to someone who was blessed in this way!
The ones shown to have gained the ultimate prospering abilities were baptized and then dried by dabbing their heads against the mummy! The mummified body is what is believed to hold the monarch energies... this procedure has now been banned due to a constitute of persevation of the mummy.
We were extremely lucky to get one of the final endowments that was blessed by Holy Water and touched to the mummy. This piece is eccentric and powerful. The piece holds a vibrational allure that will equip you, almost immediately, with a force of gilded recognition to prosper unbelievable changes to your life!
You will no longer have to even question how to Keep Up With the Kardashians, as you will have your own discord of luck, money and limelight~!!
Remarkable piece ~!