Madame Lalinn, also known as Madame La Lune, is the voodoo goddess of the Moon. She sleeps during the day and thrives at night with the lunar cycle. She is invoked to oversee and bless lunar magic that is practiced by VooDoo priests and priestesses. She is the goddess that brings forth luck and beauty. She is also the goddess the presides over and acts as the door between our own realm and the realm of dreams.
We made this piece through a process that helped us make what is known as moon water. It is a holy water that has been blessed and enchanted by the good graces and presence of the Madame Lalinn. To make this we allowed the bowl to soak up the rays of the full moon for three hours before bringing the water in. We then used the water to "baptise" the item that we are offering. To make certain that this piece was perfect and the process wasn't befuddled somehow, we ran several testing sessions with this piece.
With this item you gain several powers. The first and foremost is the awakening of your third eye. Madame's esoteric powers have long been known to nourish the spirit and open up the third eye and you begin your journey by having this opened for you. Even if you already have your third eye powers awakened, this piece will strengthen and refresh your ability. She will give you her oracular powers of moon-gazing-- that is, gazing into the moon like you would a crystal ball in order to see things that are of interest to you such as the past, the future, or into other realms.
You will be given the essence of lunar magic which will give you the power of charm and persuasion into getting what you want out of people. It is a subtle form of mind control. It also give you the ability of soul alchemy, which will allow you heal other people's soul, as well as clear their karma and enhance their aura. It will give you knowledge of lunar spells and rites so that way you can embrace the magic of the moon and all that it has to offer-- such as alchemy, wealth, and luck powers.
Lastly, but certainly not least it will give the ability of a magic known a dream-craft. This will allow you to enter others dreams to really see down into the deep, dark corners of their mind. With this power you are given the ability altar their dream to give them powers or to make your own ideas, wants, and needs highly suggestible as to control their mind and how they think. You can use this to insert thought forms into others dreams or to take theirs in order to implant ideas or get what you want out of people. You will also be able to create your own dreams, which will allow you to visit other realms and dreamworlds to exist in other forms and gain the powers these places have to offer!
This is one of my favorite stones,the blue opal like stone that seems to hold a fire inside of it and yet it does remind one of the moon. These are all glass and will fit anyone and it is also beautiful! When you move these stones sometimes they appear as cloudy and yet with spark,this is just like the moon and so given to the moon goddess power. When you wear this bracelet you will feel the power in it and you will also feel the energy change. In the pictures it doesn't look that great because of the stone being very hard to capture on camera but you WILL be very pleased with it!