The international order of the owls was the most secret order hidden from regular Masons. Most people have been told that this group doesn't exist anymore but it does.
We have been doing research on this group for a long time. Finally we met someone who not only knew about it but is part of teh group. This person is very famous and we won't tell you who it is because you wouldn't believe it anyway.
This group is part of the Masons but you have to reach the highest degree and then be picked. So reaching the higest degree doesn't mean that you get in. This entire group is all abotu creating wealth out of the air and over taking those in charge of the banks,money and how the world is ruled.
These are two rings from former members. They are with the rings now and they are very well known. Yes they are dead. Do you need to speak to them,no. Will they give you wealth with out asking yes. They have learned what the PEAR group was trying to do a long time ago. You can make something out of nothing. They were so secret that they took on the cover of the ODD Fellows. These men are nothing like Odd but they none of them and I mean not a one was poor or wanted for anything.