Many people think that Montauk was closed down and it was. Not because the government wanted to stop the experiment but because it could no longer work there. You see the one creature that was created hurt those in charge and a lot of adults as well children were lost to some other dimension. For those of you who don't believe you only need to look at the news and ask for some freedom of info paper work. True a lot of it is classified and some even ordered destroyed by the CIA and the NSA. Project Monarch and all the others still exist today. But where have they gone?
They have moved to Plum Island and Loring air force base. We will concentrate on Loring for now as it has held the most impressive proof due to the governments lack of clean up.
Loring along with Plum and Montauk was practicing genetic modification. There is nothing they were not trying to do,from humans to animals. There were of course different levels and different departments. Example,Plum works on virus and bacteria along with genetic modification. Montauk worked on time travel,open hole dimensions and capturing the minds ability to create by mere thought. This also goes on at Princeton Universcity. They had the PEAR group which worked with the human mind to create through thought alone. This group went on for years and when the results were in,all of a sudden it was shut down. Now this was not shut down because it didn't work. It was shut down because it did. The experiment and results were moved else where. keep in mind the Princeton has long been the scene for top edge experimentation. Think of time travel and Tesla,the philadelphia experiment,all started at Princeton and God knows what else.
I took a trip to Maine myself last year. I was going to stop and see one of my customers who needed dog food because I was going to be out that way. While in my travels I got a call from a guy that said Loring had underground facilities that he broke into and found the most interesting things. I asked him if they were still working there and he said no. But that I had to see what he located. So of course I went. Now this was months ago and I have been testing these items myself. Usually I let others test the products with me but these seemed as if they could be kind of dangerous so I went first. First let me tell you what I saw and just how dark it all is and just who has a hand in all of this.
First of all on the base which is now closed down so feel free to explore,however I'm not telling you to as it would be tresspassing. On the base underground are medium sized mounds that when you move the dirt are metal doors leading even more under ground. Inside we found animals that had been experimented on. We found Fox and Skunk with two tails and a half fish half frog. Now we could chalk this up to bad enviroment mutation but that can not and will never account for the human embryo's we found that were half animal and half human and nor will it account for the half bodies of children or adults as it was hard to tell that each had three holes drilled in their heads. Can it account for what looked to me like a lomg neck alien being that was half stuck inside one woman,about to give birth? Now these were of course all in the mummy stage or bones with very little flesh but it was easy to see that this shit is not normal.
Now there is one more very cryptic thing that bothers me more so then all I saw. There was a little piece of copy paper and on it,it said Jorge Mario Bergoglio wants the two witnesses created to die and resume. Okay now at the time I read this Pope Francis wasn't yet Pope. So how did these people know who he was and why was he ordering something from our US government. Why does every president meet with him? What the hell is going on? Now that I have figured this out I realize he was trying or maybe even did create the two witnesses but of course like the Pope they will be false! Right now as I type this we have a person who has located these false witnesses and they will no longer be with us on this Earth. You probably sit in shock but this kind of stuff must be stopped. it is bad enough that this false demonic pope is nothing but a piece of evil shit smear! He IS the false prophet and doing business with the US government should confirm it if nothing else. We are now under total watch,spied on and tracked and you must ask yourself why? What is the big picture here? Put yourself in their place.
You want to spy on everyone. You want to take away guns. You want to have empty FEMA camps and prisons. Now do tell me what does this all add up to. We can no longer deny what is going on,we can no longer sit and say it's not true. The government is getting ready to herd you into a prison of your own making because you do nothing to stop it. But and there is a but...
It took a while and some help from some friends but what we all discovered was one of the major things they were doing at that air force base. They were making the nephilim,they were recreating these beings using the DNA from the major skeletons found in the dessert. We believe that it has happened and from a friend in Bowling Green what we discovered had a living soul. I was able to talk to one of these and found out that they had a time to live and a time to die. These times had passed. Because of the genetic manipulation these beings are pretty pissed off. Not at me or the people I worked with but who created them. Now you would think this is not a good thing but it is a good thing. This is good because these protect against government created virus,mind control and also disease and offer a tough protection. What that means is they give you physical strength! They give you smarts and intelligence to out wit those who will eventually come for you. If you think this is not for real,please,please do research. You are up against things of a supernatural nature that you as a human can not fight. With these pieces you can.