Metaphysical Madness-- Become Your Spiritual Doppelganger

Metaphysical Madness-- Become Your Spiritual Doppelganger

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In essence, this ring is already part of you.  This is what makes it so special.  The power in this ring was not placed into the ring, rather the power created the ring.  It was created in alternate real that exists parallel to our own.  The realm is not part of the Earth.  It is an extension of reality.  It is the place where each of our metaphysical doppelgangers are born when we are brought into existence.  we each have one.  They are attached to us through spiritual connections that we hold to them upon our physical birth.  These connections are very loose at best, but when embraced can once again become strong.
By Deedee's account, she was given a vision.  Inside of this vision she was taken to a realm that looked pretty much like our own, except for one thing.  There were no humans present.  Each entity that lived in this realm was of mythological background.  I only say mythological so that way the reader can gain a better comprehension of what kind of beings I am talking about here.  I assure you, there are no myths surrounding the existence of these beings.  There's nothing but cold, hard fact.  Deedee saw them.  According to her there were different variations of mythological beings there-- unicorns, fairies, leprechauns, elves, dwarfs, gnomes, nymphs, vampires, werewolves, goblins, tree people, phoenixes, thuderbirds, griffins, centaurs, etc.  I mean, you name it and it was there.  It was an entire realm made up of only mythological creature.  They only difference is that they all had human faces.  I guess fairies and elves and such already have "people" faces, but when they are faces of people you know or people have you seen on television or in movies, then you begin wonder-- what they heck is going on here??!!
Deedee's visions took her to what the people called the birthing tree.  The branches of the tree reached up as far into the sky as Deedee could see and there was a hollow at the bottom of the tree similar to the rabbit hole that you would picture Alice falling into.  Every few seconds a new entity would emerge from the hole.  She watched a numerous amounts and types of entities came out with different human faces.  Then the tree spoke to her, in voice, that they creatures it was birthing are the doppelgangers of humans who were born in the physical realm.  This is why they each possessed a human face-- to carry ties to the human for which they were born.  
It's not like any body can be expected to know these things, you aren't born with this knowledge.  Most times people go through life not ever knowing that their doppelganger exists in a parallel universe.  This ring changes all of that for you.  Deedee got the ring from the Birthing Tree, which is pretty much this realms Tree of Knowledge, as it births the entities with all the magic powers they will ever own.  The ring was birthed from her with the magic to be able to strengthen the ties between whomever is wearing it and their entity doppelganger.  This is what id does for you!  
This ring is sterling silver with a blue stone and rose quarts.  When you wear it (either as a ring or pendant), it will strengthen the tie between you and your metaphysical doppelganger.  Listen, I'd love to tell you what yours is, but that is not possible because every has a different personality and a different metaphysical twin.  However, this piece strengthens that bond and will create a spiritual bridge over which your twin will walk and manifest itself to you in full physical form.  In this form, you will be able to experience your "other self."  Don't be startled, it will show up with the same face that you have, only it will be some type of creature with magical powers.  Your twin will then give you the ability to shape-shift into whatever they are as to experience what they experience on a daily basis.  Well, they don't have days, but you catch my drift.  
During the experience, you will also be given all of their magic.  For example, if your twin is a leprechaun you will gain wealth powers.  If your twin is an elf, you will be give the power of healing, etc.  These are just examples, each entity will have multiple different abilities to gain depending on what their doppelganger is.  They will give these forms of magic to you and you will be able to use them in your mortal existence.  Again, don't email asking if your doppelganger will be this or that, because we have no way of knowing.  All I can tell you is that you will be please with your result, after all, this is half of who you are.  If you have a strong liking for dragons, for instance, there has to be a reason why.  Most likely it is because your metaphysical twin is a dragon.  If you have a strong love of Tinkerbell in this realm, you may be a fairy   This piece is a very fun, but yet very powerful piece.  Reconnect with your whole self, get this item today!