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This piece is for children and it is a bracelet.  This can be given at anytime a year and will do a two things. 
One it will keep their minds open even as they get to be adults and it will make sure that the God given supernatural gifts a child is born with will stay with them. Most people by the time they are adults will lose the ability for natural magic.
The other thing this will do is engage,encourage and keep your child happy and safe! Now this doesn't mean you should not watch your child like a hawk or be a good parent. This only means that the terrible things will not happen.
Peaches and Pauly are wonderful and will encourage and allow them to see the otherside,but only the white light stuff. They will be able to see good spirits,fae that are sweet and dandelion dillies. I love those! Those are simply lovely! I need to put some of those on, the Dandelion dillies! I will try and get a few on today.
Peaches and Pauly will also keep your child safe feeling at night as some children don't like the dark. They will help them form lasting relationships with other children. They will be popular and accepted even if their parents are a little off in the head.
If the child is not so bright Peaches and Pauly can help with that too.  Either way this is something your young child will LOVE! There is a little bit of a higher price on this then I would normally go but I really get on well with the two of them and I feel I'm going to feel terrible when they go even though they assured me they would still visit.