Hey Sister, Star Sister
This piece was given to us by Raviniska who was doing some work in the new solar system that was discovered. The new system was discovered by scientists recently, orbiting a sister star of our sun known as Tau Ceti. It is is the closest single star to exist outside the solar system and is merely 12 light years away from Earth, which is astrological terms is a hop, skip, and a jump away from our star, the sun. Tau Ceti is bright G type, yellow star that follows the same sequence as the our solar system. It contains its own solar system with five planets, which are now believe by scientists to be inhabited by humans.
It's not as if life doesn't already exist there, as this solar system is merely an for of existence that is a reflexion of our own. It is a dual reality and alternate existence apart from our own, except for the fact that the beings that inhabit this system are of an advanced knowledge because the energy of the star Tau Ceti. It has been suggested that these are the aliens that have visited Earth to teach humans the ways of the future. This solar system is very similar to our own, just very advanced which would explain the drawings of aliens as humanoid creatures with exaggerated features.
Raviniska recently visited this realm and brought back an energetically charged, white light relic. It is a communication piece to the Tau Ceti star system that will allow you to see into the system through means of a holographic reality. You will be able to communicate with the holograms who will give you the knowledge and technology of the past that will eventually become our future. Their magic and way of comprehensions is far more advanced than anything you will have experienced or imagined. Using your holographic communication piece you will receive a teacher who will teach you in these ways and give the advanced knowledge of the cosmos force and their super-intelligent source of powers and energy that they have developed using real truths of existence. Again, this piece is from Raviniska who secured the power in this piece by doing a star dance and summoning the powers that she placed into the relic!