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Alternate Universe Plane Shifting for Success
It has been a long held belief that for every decision that you make an equal and opposite decision is "unmade". This is how and where alternate realities are created. From the moment you are concieved, multiple universes are created in that exact same instant- that run "parallel" to this one. Sadly, in some you may not make it and that reality is never realized. For the ones that you manage to manifest in, every single decision that you make creates causes a split or alternate outcome and that decision affects the other you and the direction that their lives takes. Are you lying in your crib, looking up at the ceiling, and fighting the instinct to cry? You opt not to, in another world you do, and the very first rift is created. In that other world, someone may rush into the room to see what is causing you distress. Are you hungry? Do you need to be changed? This could make the other version of you feel loved and nurtured- while the other you may feel neglected, abandoned, and unloved.
The very earliest decision could determine whether or not you decide to go into a medical profession and help others; or if you take the exact opposite path or settle somewhere in between the two. Later on, you have the perfect unguarded opportunity to steal a piece of candy without getting caught. Do you do it? While the one that decides not to- the other does, and could set them on the path to becoming a career criminal. Do you do well in school? Do you graduate? Do you get married? Do you work hard to land your ideal job? Do you fail or do the bare minimum to graduate? Do you remain single? Do you labor at a menial task, just ekeing by, doing as little as possible? Each and every one of these major decisions shapes the person that you become, but the minor ones do as well. Have you had the feeling that you could and should be doing better? That just that one decision could have taken your life in an entirely different direction? Do you regret that you're not as great or succussful as you feel you should be? That somewhere, somewhere else, there is another you reaping the benefits of making the right decision(s), while you languish in the existence that you've created for yourself(?). Are you doing just fine, but feel that there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing better? Then this is the piece for you.
This unique piece will allow you to visit yourself in each and every one of these alternate realities and see what has become of you, there. You can see whether you've done better or worse for yourself- have you set the world on fire or been trampled beneath its unforgiving heel? Are you a Prince or a pauper? Do you reside in the temple of the Gods or an old refrigerator box- or somewhere in between? It can be quite jarring to discover what has become of your other selves- which decision(s), that you made, created their particular circumstance? (As some of our testers have learned for themselves...) The tiniest drop of water can create the largest ripples in a pond. Now what if there were some way to get your other selves back or track or learn from that mistakes that you may have made that prevented you from becoming that version of you that is doing so much better?
There are many scientific, as well as paranormal, theories that state that two of the same person cannot exist in the same time/space without causing disastrous (even calamitous- arageddon-type damage) to the universal continuum. This typically applies to time travel, in your existing timeline, it may not be the same for dimensional shifts... but why risk it? Fear not, you will not undo all of creation- or creations; this piece creates 2 distinct work-arounds. First, if you just choose to remain a silent observer and not attempt to interfere with your other selves- you are prevented and protected from actually entering their time stream by a chrono-barrier or "bubble", that keeps you out-of-phase with their reality. IF you compelled to interfere on "your" behalf- you can enter that version of you, and become them for as long as you choose. By stepping into your alternate self, you occupy their space- so that (technically) only one you exists on that particular plane. It's a little sneaky, but it works AND prevents you from becoming the destroyer of worlds.
You can now access your other self's past memories, experiences, and see when/where your prospective paths diverged- what decisions or choices made them who they are as opposed to the person you became (good or bad). While in possession of your other self, you can make decisions for them (you), specifically if the outcome of any event turned out better for you in this reality, and improve your other self's life. Alternately, you can see where they made a better choice than you did and apply it to your life when you return back to this realm. Now- this is very important, this only applies if that particular option is still pending and viable- once a particular choice has been decidied upon; there is no going back- this is not a rewind or a reset button. There is only moving forward from where they are in life. Once the damage has been done- it is, unfortunately, written in stone. There is no reason that you cannot make things better for them/you now. Should you have rekindled a lost romance or let it go? Did burning that bridge prevent you from achieving a particular goal or dream? Did that person deserve forgiveness or are you justified in holding that grudge? Would getting those last few credits to complete your degree be worth it or be complete waste of time? What if? What if... Now you will have the ability to answer, at least, a majority of these questions. If the other, multiple versions of you, are staggered on the ladder of success- it affects you in this world. Say half of them are extremely accomplished and the other half are mired in mediocrity or worse- it will keep you in an equilibriated state of commonality and complacency. The added benefit of helping your alternate selves is that it creates a ripple effect throughout all of the other realities that a version of you exists. If you create success for the other you's, it will resonate across all of the other planes where a "you" resides and increase your fame, wealth, visibility, prosperity, and all other aspects of your life.
In order to visit these alternate planes, it is best to do it at night- particularly when you go to bed. This piece is best activated with your subconscious mind, when you're more relaxed and susceptible to suggestion and essentially astral travel. You must have the piece near you while your sleeping- place it on a nightstand or a headboard. As you lie in bed, think back to a particular decision that you made and what could have/would have happened had you decided to go the other way. Concentrate on where you were when you made it. Try to remember if it was day or night, sunny or rainy, quiet or was there background noise, indoors or outdoors etc.,. Really attempt to put yourself back into that specific time, that exact moment. Get into that headspace and try to imagine what might have been... Keep dwelling on that decision until you eventually fall asleep, focus on just that event, and let it be what puts you to sleep. Continually replay the events that led up to that decision- before you made it (think of it as counting sheep) and once you're asleep you be "shifted" to the other alternate universes where you can visit yourselves. If you get to plane where nothing needs to be modified, you can concentrate on a different decision and visit another plane OR if you choose to remain you can inhabit the you that exists there and make any changes that you feel are necessary. Remember that there are an infinite amount of possibilities across these multiple planes and you now have the power to alter them and enjoy the rewards that come with making the right decisions...
Alternate Universe Plane Shifting for SuccessIt has been a long held belief that for every decision that you make an equal and opposite decision is "unmade". This is how and where alternate realities are created. From the moment you are conceieved, multiple universes are created in that exact same instant- that run "parallel" to this one. Sadly, in some you may not make it and that reality is never realized. For the ones that you manage to manifest in, every single decision that you make creates causes a split or alternate outcome and that decision affects the other you and the direction that their lives takes. Are you lying in your crib, looking up at the ceiling, and fighting the instinct to cry? You opt not to, in another world you do, and the very first rift is created. In that other world, someone may rush into the room to see what is causing you distress. Are you hungry? Do you need to be changed? This could make the other version of you feel loved and nurtured- while the other you may feel neglected, abandoned, and unloved. The very earliest decision could determine whether or not you decide to go into a medical profession and help others; or if you take the exact opposite path or settle somewhere in between the two. Later on, you have the perfect unguarded opportunity to steal a piece of candy without getting caught. Do you do it? While the one that decides not to- the other does, and could set them on the path to becoming a career criminal. Do you do well in school? Do you graduate? Do you get married? Do you work hard to land your ideal job? Do you fail or do the bare minimum to graduate? Do you remain single? Do you labor at a menial task, just ekeing by, doing as little as possible? Each and every one of these major decisions shapes the person that you become, but the minor ones do as well. Have you had the feeling that you could and should be doing better? That just that one decision could have taken your life in an entirely different direction? Do you regret that you're not as great or succussful as you feel you should be? That somewhere, somewhere else, there is another you reaping the benefits of making the right decision(s), while you languish in the existence that you've created for yourself(?). Are you doing just fine, but feel that there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing better? Then this is the piece for you.
This unique piece will allow you to visit yourself in each and every one of these alternate realities and see what has become of you, there. You can see whether you've done better or worse for yourself- have you set the world on fire or been trampled beneath its unforgiving heel? Are you a Prince or a pauper? Do you reside in the temple of the Gods or an old refrigerator box- or somewhere in between? It can be quite jarring to discover what has become of your other selves- which decision(s), that you made, created their particular circumstance? (As some of our testers have learned for themselves...) The tiniest drop of water can create the largest ripples in a pond. Now what if there were some way to get your other selves back or track or learn from that mistakes that you may have made that prevented you from becoming that version of you that is doing so much better? There are many scientific, as well as paranormal, theories that state that two of the same person cannot exist in the same time/space without causing disastrous (even calamitous- arageddon-type damage) to the universal continuum. This typically applies to time travel, in your existing timeline, it may not be the same for dimensional shifts... but why risk it? Fear not, you will not undo all of creation- or creations; this piece creates 2 distinct work-arounds. First, if you just choose to remain a silent observer and not attempt to interfere with your other selves- you are prevented and protected from actually entering their time stream by a chrono-barrier or "bubble", that keeps you out-of-phase with their reality. IF you compelled to interfere on "your" behalf- you can enter that version of you, and become them for as long as you choose. By stepping into your alternate self, you occupy their space- so that (technically) only one you exists on that particular plane. It's a little sneaky, but it works AND prevents you from becoming the destroyer of worlds.
You can now access your other self's past memories, experiences, and see when/where your prospective paths diverged- what decisions or choices made them who they are as opposed to the person you became (good or bad). While in possession of your other self, you can make decisions for them (you), specifically if the outcome of any event turned out better for you in this reality, and improve your other self's life. Alternately, you can see where they made a better choice than you did and apply it to your life when you return back to this realm. Now- this is very important, this only applies if that particular option is still pending and viable- once a particular choice has been decidied upon; there is no going back- this is not a rewind or a reset button. There is only moving forward from where they are in life. Once the damage has been done- it is, unfortunately, written in stone. There is no reason that you cannot make things better for them/you now. Should you have rekindled a lost romance or let it go? Did burning that bridge prevent you from achieving a particular goal or dream? Did that person deserve forgiveness or are you justified in holding that grudge? Would getting those last few credits to complete your degree be worth it or be complete waste of time? What if? What if... Now you will have the ability to answer, at least, a majority of these questions. If the other, multiple versions of you, are staggered on the ladder of success- it affects you in this world. Say half of them are extremely accomplished and the other half are mired in mediocrity or worse- it will keep you in an equilibriated state of commonality and complacency. The added benefit of helping your alternate selves is that it creates a ripple effect throughout all of the other realities that a version of you exists. If you create success for the other you's, it will resonate across all of the other planes where a "you" resides and increase your fame, wealth, visibility, prosperity, and all other aspects of your life.
In order to visit these alternate planes, it is best to do it at night- particularly when you go to bed. This piece is best activated with your subconscious mind, when you're more relaxed and susceptible to suggestion and essentially astral travel. You must have the piece near you while your sleeping- place it on a nightstand or a headboard. As you lie in bed, think back to a particular decision that you made and what could have/would have happened had you decided to go the other way. Concentrate on where you were when you made it. Try to remember if it was day or night, sunny or rainy, quiet or was there background noise, indoors or outdoors etc.,. Really attempt to put yourself back into that specific time, that exact moment. Get into that headspace and try to imagine what might have been... Keep dwelling on that decision until you eventually fall asleep, focus on just that event, and let it be what puts you to sleep. Continually replay the events that led up to that decision- before you made it (think of it as counting sheep) and once you're asleep you be "shifted" to the other alternate universes where you can visit yourselves. If you get to plane where nothing needs to be modified, you can concentrate on a different decision and visit another plane OR if you choose to remain you can inhabit the you that exists there and make any changes that you feel are necessary. Remember that there are an infinite amount of possibilities across these multiple planes and you now have the power to alter them and enjoy the rewards that come with making the right decisions...