Let's begin this one with a quick little exercise of the imagination. I realize your reading, but you're done reading my instructions, I want you to pause and just reflect on how you feel. First of all, I want you to take a deep breath and relax. It's been a long day and you've made it through. This is a good beginning. Now, after your done doing that I want you to close your eyes and imagine a place that is so full of light that it emanates a comfy-cozy feeling. Your body all of a sudden feels no pain and is experiencing increased awareness. Your mind forgets all the miseries and sorrows of life. Your body is filled with euphoria. It starts in the core of your being and releases itself outwards. It feels so good and your body feels so relaxed that you begin screaming for joy. You're not really sure what has made you so happy, but you really don't need to know what has made you this happy, because for the first time in your life your experience nothing but pure joy and eclectic magic. Welcome to the City of Light-- well welcome to imagining what the City of Life is like.
Cities of Light are intergalactic hubs. They exist on stars and other planets and other celestial bodies other than our own. Well, they exist here too, but that is for later in the story. Anyhow, these cities exist throughout space where there is a high concentration of energy. The energy is used to Croat hubs-- or intergalactic cities-- that are full of magic and love. Any type of being, regardless of where the being calls home, is welcome in these cities indiscriminately, simply due to the fact that these cities are made up of the highest level of white light that can be obtained. They foster a notion of inclusiveness where everyone is encouraged to be the best they can be, by obtaining the highest possible frequencies and vibrations, and thus becoming the most magically powerful they can become. It is known that beings feed off of other beings frequencies and vibrations, thus the more powerful one becomes, the more powerful all become. This is why the Cities of Light don't care who you are or where you come from. If you come in the name of peace and magic, you are more than welcome.
Now, we're going to take this concept one step further and apply it to the ages old prophecy of the "Second Coming". Whether you are a Christian or a Jew, a Muslim, a Mayan, or you identify with any number of religions, you are taught that the point of living in mortal existence is to wait for a second coming. The Second Coming, thus, can be determined as a time where enlightenment reigns supreme and peace and magic are the only forms of energies the resonate. There will be no ill will hurt or disease or anything like that. This is because the energies from the Second Coming will be able to resonate your body to such high vibes and frequencies that all forms of sickness or illness that you have will cease to affect your body. It will foster white light healing that may take a time to accomplish its goal, but which will begin working immediately. The Second Coming is literally the dawning of a new Era in Time where perfection abounds and we no longer have to worry about being mortal and vulnerable. We will exist in perfect form.
Here is the theory then, that has nearly all but been proven: Regardless of what religious background you come from, the second coming is the landing of these Cities of Light on Earth. They will be Cities of Light that overlap our cities on Earth that exist solely in the fifth dimension and higher. Humans will not be able to see them with their naked eye until the coming of the time when the Cities of Light will reign supreme on Earth. The Cities of Light will reign supreme and true knowledge, power, magic, healing, esotericism, and spiritualism will come to Earth and peace will about because there will be no reason for anger and hatred to exist, for we will have broken out of our mortal shell to understand that the betterment of one person is the overall betterment of all beings. We will understand that in order to advance in our own magic, we have to advance everyone in their own form of magic or we will eventually all hit a wall. It will be one person helping another, you helping men and neighbors helping their neighbors. It will be the time of the Great Awakening and those that can't wake up will be left behind. Those who can come to terms with the Cities of Light and can foster the attitudes necessary will beraptured into the cities, and the dull-minded people will be left behind and given a second chance-- such as they are in the Bible after the rapture.
However, there will come a time when the Earth will exist as one big City of Light and the people who have been raptured that already exist in the Cities of Light will be able to once again live on Earth as the Fifth Dimension is manifested. Unfortunately those people who wanted to live in filth and hatred will have been left behind in a dimensional rift and lost forever. This will be called Hell, or whatever it is that your personal beliefs call it. Thus, the idea is very universal and pyour entrance into the City of Light is definitely ascertainable. Now, I'm going to tell you something very exciting. The Cities of Light have already begun to overlap our own cities and physical place on Earth. There are a few that have already been established as I am writing this. I only know, because I have been to these cities and I have experienced what they are like. I had to come back, though, because like I mentioned before these cities will only be fully manifested over time and when the time on Earth is right. Until then, they are aligning perfectly on Earth in a manner consistent with the rest of the Cities of Light all over the Universe, with which they are interconnected. Thus, when the Cities of Light do fully open up their hold on Earth and the dawning of the New Age commences, those who are enjoying it will also enjoy an interplanetary and intergalactic connection, which will allow you to astrally travel to any corner in space where these cities already exist!
Now, I am going to tell you-- I have a few pieces. I think there might be two or three left. These piece will enlighten your mind in a way that will allow you to see with your third and fourth eyes, to be able to recognize and identify what exists in the fifth dimension. Thus, when you have this piece you will be able to travel to the Cities of Light that already exist on the face of Earth, but which are waiting for the right time to come to life. In the meantime, they still hold all of their powers, they just have not been released to the world. With this piece, however, the powers of the Cities of Light will be released unto you, as you are given the spiritual awakening that is necessary to identify and access the powers of the Cities of Light. The rest will fall into place for you and it won't be long until you are experiencing the full affect of what the Cities of Light have to offer. It will help you in so many facets of your life such as gaining wealth, gaining knowledge, growing your power, and achieving new types and levels of magic that you never would have dreamed possible!