Sacred Awakening

Sacred Awakening

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For most people, getting a sudden blow to the head would cause some type of damage to the brain.  This wasn't the case for one Jason Padgett.  The thirty-one-year-old man was a college drop out.  He had absolutely no background in math whatsoever.  He engaged in no type of magic or any spiritual activities whatsoever.  He was just an average run of the mill type of guy; until he got beat up.  
A jarring blow to the head from an attacker sent Padgett to seek medical attention.  The most bizarre thing is that he woke up the following day and had become a mathematical genius.  We're not talking like honors calculus here, either.  We are talking a mathematical genius!  In his own words, he no longer sees life as normal... He sees life as shapes and angles and numbers.  Everything for him has taken on new meaning.  It is at though he was given a second chance at life.  Believe it or not, he is not the only person who has had this happen to them.  There are a few other cases of what Jason "suffers" from, which is a condition they call Acquired Savant Syndrome.  
We recently met with a subject who has the same condition as Mr. Padgett.  She chooses to remain anonymous, but tells us that a party at a friends house went wrong when she found herself being taken advantage of by an older college guy in her friends bedroom.  She tried to fight him off and they spilled out into a hallway, where he pushed her down a flight of stairs, "by accident."  Our source suffered major head trauma, but as a result, she too became a mathematical genius.  
After doing testing on our subject, who agreed to the psychic evaluation, we have an easier explanation for her other than telling her she suffers from some type of syndrome.  Well, we exactly call it suffering at all.  The divine creator has created existence in a series of patterns.  I'm not going to argue religion, but if you look at the solar system, the structure of atoms, the human body, etc. it is plain to see that it has been constructed with a system of mathematics and and geometry.  They have these patterns built into them in order to work together with the things around them.  For example, the moon controls ocean tides.  It's called the divine code.  
The divine code is written into sacred geometry and sacred numerology.  These exist everywhere around us, but we cannot see their existence with our human eyes.  Instead, we see what we want and make up our own explanations, called science.  In actuality, these things were created by the divine creator, but arrogant humankind cannot accept what they cannot see as fact, so they need hands on evidence.  Let me just say this.  At one point in time "scientists" thought the world was flat.  These are the same ones exploring space and making rules. 
The point is both Jason and our subject experienced the same phenomenon.  A blow to the head jarred them in just the right way that their crown chakra was vibrated and became fully activated.  This is what allows them to see the world as it really exists.  In fact, we are all the ones who don't see reality as it is.  The people who have undergone this "syndrome" are the normal ones.  They see things that our normal eyes can't.  They see things in perspective of divine code and sacred geometry, the language of the divine creator.  
God has placed a vast number of powers and abilities into our solar system, to.  It's just that we cannot see them because we don't see with that kind of knowledge.  We see with mortal eyes.  It is the knowledge that was given to Adam and Eve and why they had to be evicted from the Garden of Eden.  These powers exist all through our own environment and all through existence and the universe as we know it.  In order to see these powers, there has to be a transformation, an awakening like the two I mentioned before had.  Through examining our subject we have been able to make this piece.  
This piece has the same energy that was given to our subject when she experienced her head trauma and woke up a literal genius.  With this piece, you will not experience any trauma, but you will be given the energy that will give you the type of third eye awakening that will help you notice the sacred geometry and sacred numerology that the world has been built with.  This will allow you to see the powers and abilities that have been hidden by the creator through our existence.  These powers vary and pretty much encompass any type of power that you could think of-- love, wealth, fame, psychic ability, alchemy, sorcery-- and then some.  Using this piece, you will given the ability to notice powers as you pass by them in life or the ability psychically hunt down the ones that you want.  They will them be Incorporated into piece and you will be able to use these powers as long as the piece is with you.