For years Calundronius has been harvested by the magically adept. Calundronius is a stone that has no form and no color. It protects against all things that are dark and evil. It's powers can vanquish evil back to the pits of hell and destroy spells, enchantments, and curses, as they have been cast. It can be used during exorcisms to cast out demons or during seances to keep evil away. It gives those who use these powers the upper hand against all of their enemies. It can cast revenge spells and duplicates the same harm against others as they cast or wish upon you. It helps people overcome despair, by giving a spiritual healing that makes the mind right with the body. This causes a full body alignment, thereby awakening your psychic powers one by one, until you gain full power over your entire psychic faculty.
With the help of Grizzelle, our Gypsy witch friend, we have travelled to the astral realms in search of Calundronius. It exists in the mortal realm, but it is much more powerful on the outside. This is because it is less restricted outside of the mortal realm, physically speaking. It is the weirdest stone that I have ever encountered. Out of our realm, it's superfluous and brilliant, almost appearing as crystal, but constantly changing shape. It has no smell can almost be confused for a bubble of some type from far away.
The Calundronius that we have collected came from the Elysian Fields. As we approach the stone, all we did was hold up items to it. The stone automatically took the form of the item we held up to it, taking the full form of the item and bonding to it as one. The result is a collection of pieces that not only hold the power of the Calundronius, but are the power of the Calundronius. You will gain all the powers as stated above.