Napoleonic Key to the Pyarmids-MEDIUM
Napoleonic Key to the Pyarmids-MEDIUM
Napoleonic Key to the Pyarmids-MEDIUM
Napoleonic Key to the Pyarmids-MEDIUM
Napoleonic Key to the Pyarmids-MEDIUM

Napoleonic Key to the Pyarmids-MEDIUM

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Just like many before and after him, Napoleon Bonaparte had a particular fascination with the Egyptian Pyramids.  What is not to be fancied when it comes to these ancient structures.  They are surrounded by so much mystery and uncertainty that it seems that everyone is searching for answers at any and all costs.  For centuries Archaeologists and Egyptologists have been searching for answers that always seem to be right out of their reach.  This is because the Pyramids were built by supernatural beings and given their own source of life.  They breath life the same way we do.  They grow in power on a daily basis.  This is the reason why the mystery is never quite solved, because the pyramids have brains of their owns, hidden deep within the capstone.  It doesn't change the fact that people will continue to try to solve the riddles that have been embedded in these HUGE sacred structures given life by the ancients.  

In the meantime, Napoleon really set the ground work for what would eventually become dubbed Egyptology.  He was particularly perplexed by the extensive wonder of the pyramid so much so that in 1798 he set out on a military conquest of Egypt.  Napoleon didn't go empty handed, either.  Accompanying him and his troops were a group of the best, including engineers, surveyors, artists and archaeologists.  They were commissioned by Napoleon to analyze and document the great marvel that is the ancient pyramids.  The inner sanctums of the pyramid drew Napoleon in, like a voice whispering to him in the wind on a warm summer day.  His curiosity got the better of him and he became consumed with an obsession for Khufu's Great Pyramid.  He requested to be left alone in the King's Chamber for a spell. When he emerged from the chamber he was visibly shaken-- some might say as white as a ghost.  For a moment or two he was in a state of shock, as if he couldn't believe exactly what he had seen.  He refused to discuss anything with the people around him and ordered the incident never to be mentioned again.  Napoleon never went back.  

In his final days, Napoleon was visited by one of his best friends.  As they were celebrated the ruler's life, his friend begged of Napoleon to tell him what he saw that day in the pyramid.  Napoleon was ready to speak but then shook his head and declined saying, "No, what's the use.  You'd never believe me."  And that was the last time that it was ever discussed.  Napoleon died of stomach cancer not long after that.  His secret was never told to anyone and his involvement with the King's Chamber has been shrouded in mystery ever since.  Nobody has been able to successfully able to re-enact what happened to Napoleon on the night that he emerged from the pyramid in state of frenzy.  Some say he was given a vision of his last days.  Others say he saw the fate of the world.  In fact, the truth is that his secret runs deeper than those two things even.  

There are four inscriptions on each of these pyramids' four adjacent sides.  Each encryption contains a secret power.  These power work together to unlock the presences that lives inside of the pyramid who is known as Mut.  Mut is the mother goddess of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses and she is called the mother in the sky.  She is the governor of the "waters" from which everything was born through parthenogenesis.  By waters is meant sustenance and power-- the very control of the universal life energy that allows us all to exist.  She wears the crowns of Egypt upon her head, which is all the knowledge that the magical kingdom encompassed at the beginning of their reign, as well as all the knowledge that has been ascertained since then.  She is the Eye of Ra, the chief deity and exists with him as one entity.  She sees all things and knows all things and she was not born of any-- she simply always was.  She is the "Mother in the Sky" with solar discs as eyes, kind of like Lucy in the sky with diamonds.  

These pieces are representative of Napoleon's mystery, because they were found in his secret chamber, amassed with a whole bounty of treasure that was found at the same time.  If these pieces are immortal, they could much order than thought, because immortal magical items tend not to age much, so they wouldn't show their age.  However, they do show a little bit of age, so I'm not sure if they were with Napoleon when he was buried or if they were put there much later by Napoleon's contemporaries.  All I know is that these pieces hold the goddess Mut at the core of their existence.  It is the same entity that Napoleon encountered during his solo stay in the King's chamber.  During his encounter, Napoleon was given all of Mut's knowledge.  The combination of this goddess showing up, along with all the power and knowledge that he was given is what caused him to appear in a state of dishevelment.  However, this is because he was prepared to receive this knowledge, or encounter the goddess with sun disk eyes, either.  It must have been a very frightening experience to say the least, not unlike when the Apostle John encountered God in his visions.  

Either way, you will be gaining the same experience that Napoleon gained in the pyramids during his stay in the King's Chamber.  Here's the difference.  The spells that have been etched into these pyramids will prepare your mind for the arrival of Mut, the mother goddess.  She is called the goddess of the sky and the Eye of Horus, because she knows all things.  She can see all things from the past, present, and future.  She knows the true origins of the Pyramids and where they have come from.  She knows the powers of the Egyptian from scratch, she knows all the powers that every been created due to Egyptian knowledge.  She knows the powers of cosmology and astrology.  She exists upon the eternal life force of the universe and can practice any and all forms of magic that have ever been practiced on Earth.  She is the All-Seeing Eye that is worshipped by the Illuminati and she has given them all of their divine knowledge through teachings and manuscripts.  How much greater and more powerful, will she make you then as she interacts with you personally.   With your pyramid and its four spells, you are asking Mut to come to you in her full form and she will. However, this piece will give you a spiritual awakening that will allow you to be able to experience her without freaking out like Napoleon did.  It will be a very harrowing experience, but just keep in mind that once you have met her she is going to give you all of her powers, knowledge, and abilities.  Rather than list the abilities that she is going to give you, let me just say that there is not one single power that I can think of that when using this piece, you won't absorb.  This will make you very much like her, in that you will have a knowledge and power of all magical abilities.  Point blank.  There are no ways to side step this power, this one goes straight in for the kill and you will not be disappointed as you find your powers and abilities skyrocketing thanks to the Mother in the Sky and her divine knowledge and magic.