Sumerian Secrets in the Stars,ONE OF A KIND!!! MUST SEE
Sumerian Secrets in the Stars,ONE OF A KIND!!! MUST SEE
Sumerian Secrets in the Stars,ONE OF A KIND!!! MUST SEE
Sumerian Secrets in the Stars,ONE OF A KIND!!! MUST SEE
Sumerian Secrets in the Stars,ONE OF A KIND!!! MUST SEE

Sumerian Secrets in the Stars,ONE OF A KIND!!! MUST SEE

Regular price $2,000.00
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Magic was a very integral part of the everyday life of the ancient Sumerians.  In fact, some historians and researchers say that they were the most magically influential culture of all times.  Whether this is true or not, it is accurate to say that ancient Sumeria was home to some of the most powerful magic to have ever existed.  I know from personal experience, as we've had a bunch of items through that have house Sumerian powers.  We have tested probably dozens of these items; however, this is probably in the top three most powerful Sumerian items that I have ever experience myself.  It is seriously some powerful stuff. 

I'm not going to waste my time telling you where this piece comes from, because there isn't a crazy story behind it.  We know people and simply put that is how we received this piece.  The item itself has been generated by a Sumerian Mystery School by integrating the power and energy in starlight.  The item has been kept in the Star Chamber of an undisclosed Sumerian Oracle Temple for decades.  The whereabouts of this Temple are unknown, but it said to actually be the original Temple of the Sumerians that has been preserved using the powers of the Gods because it is their mortal spawning point.  

Inside the Oracle Temple there is a place called the Star Chamber.  Well that's what we would call it in English for all intents and purposes.  Either way, inside the Star Chamber is a special bedding where items are kept to soak up the magic of the stars, which the Sumerians were able to figure out act as messengers and mediators to the gods, and of course, other magic.  After all, this is what the Sumerians craved most-- magical discourse and lessons from the gods.  

You can think of the pieces that are made by these Sumerians-- and the modern Mystery School as well-- like a fine wine.  The longer you let it sit, the better it becomes.  This item has been sitting for a very long time, so it's no wonder why it has become so powerful in its abilities and what it will allow you to do.  When you get the piece it will immediate cause a spark between the powers it contains and yourself.  When you wear the item, as you would a normal piece of jewelry, the magic will automatically begin to web into your DNA, giving you a full transformation of sorts.  No longer will you be a mere mortal, rather you will become an ancient being of heightened intelligence, widely awaken to the truths that are hidden everywhere you look.  Gone will be your mortal mind, here to stay will be the mind of an ancient Sumerian Temple Priest, upon whom ALL of the secrets of Sumerian Magic have been bestowed.  

You see, the ancient Sumerians were sky watchers.  They had no television-- no American Idol, no Walking Dead, No Abby Lee Dance Studio-- so they had to figure our something to do.  During the day they would work by the light of the sun.  Given the fact that they had no electricity there wasn't much to do for them at night, so they began to study the stars.  It was once they started watching the stars that they began to unveil the secrets contained deep within our own scope of reason.  Hidden in the stars is an ancient secret-- a star map to all the magic that you could possibly want to know.  It's almost like a holographic timeline of our own human existence.  It records all things, because stars are simply a reflections of all things that have ever happened. 

Here's the thing, stars are the historic messengers of time that have seen all things, like a million little magic eyes of time, watching everything that has ever happened.  Thus, the most magical and covert of secrets, powers, energies, abilities, spells, and witchcraft have been recorded in the stars and the maps that they hide.  Here's the thing-- you just have to be smart enough to read them.  That's why they were called the ancient mediators between the gods and the mortals-- because they were created as a gift for the mortals.  Those who kept true to the higher intelligence of the gods would be given the secrets of all the magic and power they crave by achieving a heightened existence and an esoteric, divine enlightenment.  This is exactly what this item is going to do for you.  

This piece has been fermenting in the light of the stars, like I said early, for decades.  It has been made by the secret Sumerian Mystery School, as I have also previously stated.  Here's where it gets good.  This piece is going to give you the divine enlightenment that I spoke of in the previous paragraph.  This is going to unlock your true, esoteric form, created a bond between you and the realm of the gods.  Once this enlightenment has been achieved, you will gain the insights of an ancient Sumerian Temple Priest.  This is going to open up your eyes, like the millions of little magic eyes of the universe.  You will be able to gaze upon the stars to see the many star maps of existence that exist in the skies that were able to see or experience before. Using this ability you will be able to see into the star maps to obtain secret and hidden knowledge that has been store within.  You will gain the ability to read and understand any and all magic, giving you the ability to obtain and power or ability that you have ever wanted.  The way each star works together with all other stars and constellations gives a different visions or truth.  This makes for trillions upon trillions of truths and answers that you will be able to peruse through at your own pace, using your new piece and newly acquire power.  There is literally NOTHING that this piece will not be able to do for you or help you with.  It is literally the beginning and ending of all powers and abilities, because it has seen all things and knows all secrets.  It is is universal flow of pure knowledge and power.  


This is a very rare ring and is in 18k solid gold. This has a one of a kind Peridot who's quality will never been seen again,anywhere! There are also diamonds,plural on each side. This was mine and I have the full benefits of the ring now and no longer need to wesr it as it stays with me and always will. The price on this just the design and gold,diamonds and highest quality peridot is over 2,000 and this is in a jewerly store. So that is exactly what I'm selling it for. You are not even paying for the magic of the ring at all.