Tiamat's Tablet of Destiny
This piece is an extremely powerful example of magic that comes from the race whose very name was the basis upon which the word magic was formed. They held the magic and knowledge of just about anything that you could ever imagine. They were known as the Magi Tribe. From the Asyro-Babylonian tradition originates the word Magic. It was named after the tribe because they were the most powerful magicians and sorcerers of their time.
These ancients were the ones who originally harness the powers from the solar system and the massive bodies of power that exist within it. They invented the zodiac, the twelve signs, the 360 degrees circle, the idea of the creative rest day, the week of 7 days, the cycle of 12 months, 60 minutes in an hour, etc. The developed mathematics and sacred geometry.
The highest priest, or practitioners of magic were "learned men." The learned men of the Asyro-Babylonian Kingdom received their powers through divination given to them from the gods. Each god had a unique power that they would give to the learned men through magical visions, spirit journeys, psychic dreams, etc. The learned men were very psychically inclined and communicated with the gods and the worlds apart on a daily basis. Their arts and science eventually became called magic, which is where the word comes from.
The highest God of all wasn't a god at all. It was a creation entity known as Tiamat-- the mother of all things including the God. She was the creation spirit that provided the grounds upon which all things would be born. She was viewed as fertility and her counterpart Abzu, with whose seed she created the Gods and all of their powers. Thus, her teachings and knowledge were recorded in a book call the Tablet of Destiny.
This piece is a key to the Tablet of Destiny. It is a psychic connection to the Tablet that has recorded all the knowledge and magic of Tiamat and all that she has created. With this item you will be enlightened to point of the "learned man" at which point you will be able to communicate with the council of gods of the Asyro-Babylonians. They are extremely powerful and host an array of very powerful powers and magic. It includes spells, divination, magic, rituals, etc to pretty much allow you to create your own type of magic in the same fashion that Tiamat create all the gods and their powers.
Additionally, with the Tablet of Destiny you will given the ability to see into the future to change your destiny. You will contain the exclusive power to bend time to change the way your destiny plays out so that way you can lead the life that you want to lead rather than play the hand you were dealt, so to speak. This piece is a very powerful, very original piece. The magic is boundless and powerful. You do not want to miss out on this opportunity!