Hypatia was the daughter of the last member of Alexandria's great Library. She was a great psychic but also a living incarnate of Atlantis. She had full memory recovery as well as full power from her gifts in the last life. She used these to hide and keep safe the articles in the library.
This library contained all the knowledge of the world,the occult knowledge. When the library was over taken and the articles stolen they were burned in the baths. This took more then six months to burn it all.
This should have been the end of it but it wasn't. Thankfully Hypatia being a strong psychic knew it was coming years before it did. She took action and employed those to read the documents that were already there. The people coming in with new documents were seen by her only.
She began to use what she learned as new technology in Atlantis.
This technology was able to read the minds of others and transfer what was read into another object or many times a crystal. The mind became like a television revealing what was read and then turning it into the actual power,magic,ability or knowledge.
When a mind read is mentioned it was more of a technology that was learned in Atlantis. All information was shared. When the people did incarnate some of them retained it just like some of you do today.
with the work beginning years before the burning of the Great Library all was saved. These are now mind implants that can change and give you what only a few know today.
What Hypatia did is where the term Head Librarian came from today because it was all stored in her head. The power she used from Atlantis is in most of us anyway. Some of us will remember being in Atlantis and some will not. Even if you do when it went under the mind went into lock down for almost all of us. This was because it did not work out there so the chance of it not working out again was great. You must have the key to unlock it and that is what I'm offering to you.