The phrase the "Occult Hand" is originally attributed to a group of stupid reporters. You see, one reporter had coined the phrase, "it was if an occult hand had..." insert an action there. His buddies loved it so much that they began to use it in there writings and then the supposedly infiltrated the media, blah blah blah. I know, it's excessively boring. There is also another real coven of witches that goes by the name the Occult Hand, after the main relic that they use as their supply of magic and power. It is a stone casting of the hand of the Witch of Endor.
If you don't know the story of the Witch of Endor, you can look it up in the Bible. The basic story line goes like this, though. The chosen King of Israel at the time was Saul. He was about to go into battle, but was afraid of his enemies. After not hearing from God in his dreams, Saul summons his prophets. When they can't come up with an outcome to his ensuing battle, Saul secretly summons the Witch of Endor who raises the prophet Samuel from the Dead. Samuel rebukes Saul for disobeying God by seeking the counsel of a witch. The battle is lost. Saul and his children die the next day, the End.
This piece has nothing to do with Saul or Samuel or any of those people. It is strictly based off the power of the Witch of Endor. You don't have to worry, you won't be rebuked by God for using this item, because it has been given a white light infusion. The piece itself is not the Stone Cast Hand of the Witch of Endor. Rather it is one of the amulets made by their coven. They are made in a transference ritual, during witch the power of the Occult Hand is duplicated to a satellite piece, which then has the full powers of the Witch of Endor. This piece was made the Occult Hand Coven and given to me. Now I'm paying it forward!
This piece is extremely powerful in raising the dead. I don't mean like raising them so they can walk like zombies. You can use this item to search through the Realm of Souls during a seance or other spirit raising ritual. It will act like a magnet, going through the Realm of Souls to pull the person with whom you want to communicate with. You can use this piece raise anybody-- old family members, dead celebrities, Marie Antoinette, whomever. Although this power only holds this one very distinct, powerful ability, you can use this piece to raise people from the Realm of Souls to gain their powers. Think about it-- that was the whole point of Saul summoning theEndor Witch-- to gain the foresight of a deceased prophet. You can raise any number of entities with this item, beseech their powers, and use them as your own!
This is sterling silver and the crystal amulet is very old set into sterling to keep it safe. After more testing you may also use this as a very accurate pendulum and have the dead speak to you that way.