The Hidden Department of Notion-- Dark Side of Cupid

The Hidden Department of Notion-- Dark Side of Cupid

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Ages ago and a little after the Great Depression there were stores called Notion departments. If you have a great grandmother or even an old grandmother they may remember these places. This was a store were you could go and buy thread, cloth, buttons and anything related to sewing.

Now just like today and in the age of reason people have all different beliefs. Some are into Wicca some are Christian and many others are all different things. Basically it was just like today but things were kept much, much quieter.
On a little known alley way in the deep in NYC the practice of the occult was in high practice.  The things we don't know today were not forgotten to one lost family. This family worked around the clock for those like them, those into the paranormal and the occult. Their last name was Smith. Yes it is a common name but what they did was anything but.
Inside the shop which seemed to appear only at the beginning of dusk you could find all sorts of things,related to sewing. While many people found their way in some found exactly what they were looking for, those in the know. A special code word was used to open up the back room which was filled with flying silver fish. At least that is how people described the spirits that resided there. Opening the door was like walking into a room where silver glitter was thrown into the air. That is how many spirits filled that room. The other thing that filled that room was tons and tons of buttons. Each one was designed for beauty, creativity and supreme power. They were also created so no one would notice them other then to say how original. They were not jewelry that could be stolen and could be worn anywhere, on a coat, on the inside of a jacket or just carried around.
Here you will find many of the ones my grandmother collected. Below you will find the description and what they do.
Every year millions of people will hang up cutesy-patootsie little pictures of the cherubic looking Cupid.  Cupid is the god of love and in February people are keen to make sure that everyone knows that it's saint Valentine's Day and for some reason we celebrate love on this day.  It gets me because, in all honesty, St Valentine is most likely rolling over in his headless grave wondering where everything go misconstrued.  Anyway, this is about him, it's about cupid.  Not the cute little cherubic fella that looks all happy and will shoot your heart with arrows of love.  
Everybody has a darkside and this piece embodies the magic of the dark side of cupid.  He may shoot his little love arrows, but if you get on his bad side, you better watch out.  Just as quickly as he shoots his love, he can shoot the nastiest revenged.  I mean isn't revenged the opposite of love, anyhow?  He definitely wears them both well. He has been set into this piece and literally pictured on the button.  This is not because he brings you love and eternal joy, but because with this piece you can inflict revenge upon those lovers who have done you wrong.  You know that guy Matt that cheated on you in the 12th grade?  He broke your heart and ruined prom.  Direct the wrath of cupid toward him and he will never be able to break hearts again.  Cupid is capable of utterly destroying everything that a person has going for them.  Such a cute little fella right?  Well you don't want to mess with him.  Good for you cupid, good for you!