Vanishing Without a Trace
Solomon appears to have been wiser in his youth than as a grown man. What became of his legendary wisdom? It apparently led to great financial and diplomatic success; and as they so often do in this world, Solomon's growing wealth and power revealed fault lines in his character, and his follies began to match his riches. Therein lies the answer to the mystery of Solomon's vanishing wisdom.
At the height of his kingdom, Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines, many from other countries. In that day, polygamy built relations between countries, but it was not the rule among the Hebrews. Besotted with his enormous harem, Solomon let his many wives lull him into foreign forms of worship.
According to his own story, Solomon's wisdom had come from his faithful union with God. By the end of his reign, though, he loved his wives and riches more than he loved God.
The book of Proverbs, part of which Solomon wrote, extols the positive values of a God-centered life, but later writings, for example Ecclesiates, which some attribute to Solomon, lament the futility of life lived in pursuit of everything except God.
In his disillusionment, Solomon seemed to come full circle: "Respect and obey God! This is what life is all about" (Ecclesiastes 12:13)
** You encounter throughout your life things that seem to pass you by and you question why it occurred, or why things did not turn out differently, and this appeal is the notion of everything happening for a reason. The impact of divine enlightenment is huge and knowing and understanding the facets of Christ and Heaven will implore a divine pathway for you to walk upon~!!
This piece is a vessel of collective knowledge. Solomon was wiser than anyone else in the world, including the wisest people of the east and of Egypt. Kings all over the world heard of Solomon's wisdom and sent people to listen to him teach. He let this exquisite gift vanish over time as he stopped portraying the tides of his luminous knowledge ~
The vessel you see here was created by a Divine Sorcerer named Tigaw, and it has been worn by many powerful men and women and their thoughts and impact of wisdom are within the orb. It will bless you with extreme blessings of pure wisdom that will allow you to exceed all those you encounter --- you merely need to share your findings and knowledge with others to ensue the blessings will continue to forward on to you!