The Otherworlders
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This piece once belonged to an individual who we call one of the "otherworlders". I know it sounds like this entity must have come from somewhere in deep space. On the contary, the "othersworlders" come from the same place we do, only in a parallel pocket of existence . It's crazy when you stop to think about the fact that existence is simply layers upon layers of different kinds of existence that all exist in the same place, just on separate planes of reality. To fully understand what is going on here, we will have to travel back to the city that appeared in the clouds in China. Sounds like Biblica stuff, right? Well it's not.
China has increasingly become the country to beat when it comes to technological breakthroughs and modern discoveries. There are even more doctors coming out of China than there are in the United States. This is because they are smart people. China's government is smart enough even to have developed technological pieces that open up vortices between our own existence and the next. You can take my word for this, but I really want you to look this up. All you have to do is Google, "City in clouds over china" or something like that and will pop right up. A local resident caught videotape of the phenomenon as it occurred.
Of course the local government dismiss the fact that what was being seen was an interdimensional city, by calling it a fatamorgana. Fatamorgana is a fancy way of saying that what was being filmed was, in fact, a mirage. Well excuse me Chinese government, if what was being seen was just some freaky cloud formation then why even get involved? Why even bother caring so much? Because they are lying to their people... jus tlike every other government does. They lie.
We know differently, though. The reason is because we have this item. This was once the beloved item of an otherworlder who slipped through from this holographic city in the clouds, and entered our Earthen domain. She actually was the one that reached out to us, not the other way around. She wanted us to help her get back to where she belonged. In exchange she gave us this ring, which holds all the energy and essence of an otherworlder. Wed got her back to where she came from. She was thankful and, as promised, gave us this ring.
This now serves as a mortal transponder piece. What this means is that if you are a mortal and you use the energy in this piece, you will be transporter in astral form to a city that exists in a parallel relam of existence. I know, it sounds like something out of a sci-fi film, but it's a super cool opportunity. You get to travel to another realm of existence. When you get there you will notice that the people who live there are humanoid, only they are of higher intelligence and a constant state of enlightenment. The powers and abilities that we call magic, they would called second-hand. This is because the energy in their plane of existence has allowed them to rapidly advance and this is the state they have reached. They are highly intelligent and can manifest and make come into existence any power or ability. Don't ask me how they do it, save that question for when they get there. They will teach you.
Imagine if you didn't have to go to any other entity to grant your wishes or give you wealth. Imagine if you could gain healing powers to heal those you love, or develop full psychic ability, if you could fly through time and space at your own discretion. This is the kind of things that "otherworlders" do. Honestly, I think this is why the Chinese have been hiding the existence of this holographic city. They are super advanced both technologically and no biologically speaking. They are very peaceable people and they work by a system of seniority not a dumb political system.
The piece that we are offering is your astral key to visit the Holographic city in the clouds in China. Well, it's not literally in the clouds, but its buildings tower over all known buildings of this world. This key will pull you from your body and place you in the midst of the Otherworld and the people who live there. You will learn from them how to be like them, so that way you can practice all the abilities that they have. When you come back into the mortal realm you can use these powers and share them if you choose. This is an incredible piece, very powerful. You don't want to miss your opportunity. It's literally out of this world!!