Dhampiresa-- The Lady is a Vamp
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This is one of the most powerful sexual items that we have offered in a very long time. Feast your eyes upon this piece, that we received from a Bulgarian sorcerer who specializes in this kind of magic. I guess he grew up with a super hyperactive sex drive, because you'd be amazed at the sex pieces that he has, but they aren't for sale. He says that he uses them on a daily basis. You might be thinking, "Well eventually he will grow old, right?" The answer is no. He will not grow old. He is immortal and the physique of a 25-year-old man, despite the fact that he is from the 1800s. Must be nice, right? Anyway, this is from whom we received the piece. We know that there are people out there that want the best as far as sex items. This is top of the line.
The spirit who is in this piece was born in Croatia to a woman whose husband has recently passed away. Nobody really thought anything of it, because they just figured that the widow had gotten pregnant before she died. This was not the case. Rather, the husband who had passed into the afterlife, sought to become a vampire. His love was that strong for his wife that he pretty much gave up his eternity to return to her. The first time she encountered her dead husband's resurrection form, she was a bit freaked out to say the least. However, after time, she got used to him being there and actually quite preferred it. Her husband required no sleep, so he could do even more than before. He could watch the house by night. The only thing is that she begged him to stay out of the sight of human eyes, for obvious reasons.
During his visit back to his wife, they would make love, which is how she became pregnant with a young girl that they called Vesna. Vesna grew as a normal child and for years they pair thought that this is what they gave birth to. So did the people in their village. It wasn't until she was a bit older that she began to realize her own powers. She could hear what the other people thought in their head. She could make them think the things that she wanted them to. She could control the weather elements around her. When she dreamt it was like she was actually there, which she found out later was a form of astral travel. She could move things with her mind and once she was even able to make time come to a complete standstill. She did this one day when she was out admiring the beauty of a water fall. The water just stopped right in its tracks. It was incredible to Vesna, but she kept it to herself, feeling that if she told anybody else they'd make a big deal of it.
Also, another thing Vesna could never due was make mention of her father to anybody. Unfortunately for Vesna, she met a girl that she thought was a friend. She told them about her father and how he had returned to help them, begging her not to say anything. The girl told her parents what Vesna had said. Her parent alerting authorities. Next thing you know, people were showing up at the widows house demanding to speak with her. It didn't end to nice for Vesna's mom and dad. Her dad was accused of being a demon and her mom was accused of sorcery. They were both burned alive in their house. Their barns were razed and their crops destroyed. At such a young age Vesna really had nobody to turn to. She had no next of kin that she was aware of and so took to the street to make her living.
As a young girl, Vesna would steal what she needed, but as she got older, she began to realize that she didnt' have to steal at all. During her adolescents she realized that her powers had become stronger. Along with her growing powers came a voracious appetite for sex. She used her powers to become the ultimate femme fatale. She'd use her sexual prowess to lure men into unknowing situations. She give them the sex that they wanted and then she'd steal all of their belongings. She lived like this for a while. In fact, she didn't even have to steal them. She used her powers to make them think they wanted to give her their stuff. She used this power for a very long time, even getting people to just hand her money for the heck of it.
After she gained all the wealth she needed, this is when she just went on a sexual free-for-all. She sought out the most powerful men and she would bang them silly. As a Dhampiresa she held all the powers of seduction in her hand. There wasn't a man that she couldn't get and there wasn't a man that wouldn't leave satisfied. She did this just for her own sexual gratification. The fact is that she is a entity that is called a Dhampiresa. They are half-human, half vampire hybrid. They are semi-immortal meaning they will die, but they die off as fast as humans do. They can live to be up to 200 years old. In fact, it wasn't until recently that Vesna actually passed away. This is what allowed the Bulgarian sorcerer to conjure her presence into this piece.
With this piece you gain the full spiritual presence of Vesna. She is in full-on soul form. There is no need to worry. She no longer has need for material possessions. The only thing that she is worried about is having mind-blowing sex. She is going to do that with whomever owns this piece, doesn't matter male or female. She is going to use this piece as portal and will pass through the ethereal realms to get to you. When she does, she will read you mind and will take the form of your biggest fantasy. It doesn't matter if that means being bound and gagged or slapping you so hard on your cheeks that it leaves a mark. Biting, nibbling, whatever. Vesna is into it all. The best part is the while she is pleasing you, she will pull you from your body and allow you exist in astral form.
Together, both of you will experience astral pleasure, outside of the body. It will an orgasm of the soul, the way they were meant to be experienced. It is a pleasure unlike any that I have ever experienced. She somehow will get you to orgasm from the inside out, which feels absolutely incredible. She also leaves gifts that will fix you spiritually and sexually. For instance, this piece can make male's penis bigger. It can teach him the right moves to make his partner happy. If a woman is all dried up, this piece will sexually rejuvenate and allow you to go for hours without a need for anything synthetic. If you are a male that has problems "waking up" on sexual encounters, this piece will help your mini-me "rise" to any occasion. This is an all around, full of sheer power and enjoyment sex item. We have not had one this powerful in a very long time. So, if you are into sex, then this is your piece. There are no doubts about it. Don't miss your chance to be the cream of the crop and experience the best sex you've ever experience!