Lost Egyptian Realm
Raviniska provided us with this piece, as she so does from time to time. You know, that girl is funny in the way she works. We don't hear from her for the longest time and then one day she pops up out of nowhere giving us these very powerful pieces. Sometimes we can contact her and sometimes we can't. Most of the time we can, though. It's just that her immortal existence is very busy and some of the things she involved in must be kept very secret, as they involve very well kept secrets from over the courses of times. These secrets are usually kept through ancient Egyptian mystery schools. After all, I'm sure that you all know her creator birthed her from the Sphinx's paw. The paw is actually a cross over and points in the direction of eternal realms. It is through this paw that she often travels to and from. She doesn't like to limit herself to those things that appear here on Earth, and why should she? Existence as a whole has so much more to offer than what we will ever fully comprehend as mortal humans-- that is, of course, unless you have one of these rare finds that Raviniska provides us with! They are phenomenal.... literally out of this world.
This powerful trinket is the latest piece that Raviniska has provided us with. She gave this to us without really explaining much about it, other than telling us that it is going to show us something that we have never before experienced, so that we had better be ready to experience the raw power that was going to bestow upon us. Other than that, she gave us the instructions on how to use the piece and left us to our own devices. This is why the things got very interesting. To use the piece properly, we had to wait a week or so, because she told us to wait until it was a full moon to use the piece. Something to do with the lunar powers strengthened to power of the piece. We weren't sure why at first, but after we experienced the piece in it's entirety, we fully understood.
For years, the ancient Egyptians were the most renowned stargazers to exist upon the face of the Earth. In the beginning of their times they were visited by very powerful spacefarers who landed on Earth to share the ultimate gift. That was the secret of the pyramids that are aligned perfectly with Orion's belt. The pyramids served as a sort of star gate that allowed the Egyptians to gain a vast source of enlightenment and magic. They used these powers to the fullest extent of their ability, practically building their entire life around these powers that they received from the ancients. It's a good thing they did to, because the powers brought a magic to the this world that is still being used centuries upon centuries later. It is arguably the most powerful magic to have even seen the face of the Earth.
The instructions that were given to us were to wait until the moon has swelled to full. At this point, the energies in the piece would be at their most powerful. As you see the piece is a snake wrapped around a reddish-Orange orb that kind of resembles the sun. It opens up into a kind of pill box, but this compartment is not for pills. Rather, this is the place where you place the blood droplets. Blood droplets? Yes blood droplets. Once we pricked our fingers and placed our blood inside the compartment, things began to change and rapidly. One moment we were sitting in the office, looking at each other and the next thing we knew we were submerged in a world apart from our own.
My first impression of the realm is that you could feel the energy radiating through the sky. We were submerged in what looked like an ancient city, except instead of buildings everything was a pyramid or a sphinx. The pyramids all had opalescent capstones that would change colors depending on how the sun hit it. I was walking by one of the pyramids when the sun hit it just right and the capstone changed into what seemed like a hundred different shades of purple hues. For a second I stood and stared, like a mosquito headed for a bug zapper. I broke my gaze to turn and see where the sun was located in the sky. I was confused at first until Deedee pointed out that there were actually three suns in the sky. One hung directly over us, one was rising in the west and the other was setting in the west. The Sphinxes had real eyes and the were all positioned to stare directly at the pyramid that was in the center of all of this. It was one giant pyramid. It was not like the others, but it was built entirely of crystal. At the top of pyramid instead of a capstone, the pyramid donned at least a thousand eyes that look in a thousand different directions. This is so they could see all things that are happening at all times, throughout all of existence. They see all magic and all knowledge and know all things. This energy is then transferred to the Sphinx eyes, who never break their gaze day or night. They are like ancient oracles of knowledge and unlike the Sphinx on Earth, you can actually tell they are alive, because they the breath make ultrasonic sounds, through which all of this knowledge is translated to the residents of this town.
The residents of the city are all dressed like ancient Egyptians, but they all have third eye opened, which is fixed on the eyes of the closest Sphinx to them. It is the perfect network of power that provides all people with universal life and light and magic. There is a strong bond between all people in this realm and if one of them knows a power that another doesn't they just gaze into each others third eye and the power or knowledge can be instantaneously transferred. For some reason these people-- well I call them people, they are more like ethereal beings because the glow bright colors-- never gaze directly upon the Crystal Pyramid and its thousands of eyes. Were told this is because the power that come from this pyramid is much too powerful for them to even look at it, kind of like souls are not allowed to look upon the face of God. It is seriously that powerful! We used this piece several time for ourselves, to gain a very well-rounded bit of magic and a wealth of knowledge. We have cleaned it well, so that way whomever gets this piece can use it for themselves.
To use the piece, all you have to do is drip a drop or two of blood into the compartment that opens up. Then close the compartment and you will begin to astral travel to the realm. The realm is a one that the Egyptians built to develop an elite race. They exist in the red orb that the snake surrounds. It is their realm. The snake is the ultimate symbol of wisdom, and he is the guardian of this realm who won't let dullness or ignorance in and doesn't let the powers into the hands of fools. He preserves the powers of these beings, as their power continues to grow stronger and stronger. You can use this piece as many times you'd like to travel to the realm obtain the forms of extreme power, magic, and knowledge. It will give you an awakening and complete transformation every time, as your third eye is open and you can develop your own connection to Sphinxes of this realm. They are the ones who translate the powers for these beings and they will do the same for you. The difference is, you will be able to exit the realm at any time and bring everything you've learned with you. I would love to give you a list of specific powers that this piece will bring for you, but the fact remains that I can't because the powers are always flowing and they will bring you different powers and knowledge each time. It will be the most powerful experience that you will have likely had in your entire existence, even including past lives. The knowledge and power are unlimited and will you will never stop growing in the innumerable amount of magic and power that you will obtain.