Coven of 10, pt 2-- Old George
Coven of 10, pt 2-- Old George
Coven of 10, pt 2-- Old George

Coven of 10, pt 2-- Old George

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This series of items is a reflection of powers that has been devoted to one of the most feared, yet respected entities in America.  I use the word entities loosely, because in a lot of instances, the people that consider themselves followers of this magic are nothing more than our neighbors, teachers, and other members of our community.  In today's society there is a taboo that goes along with the craft anymore, and being a "witch" has become something that is perfectly acceptable in society.  I mean, there are good and evil in everything that you come across.  There has to be in order to maintain a proper balance in the world.  For every Yin there is a Yang and for every God you have a Satan.  Good would not be possible without the bad, because with out the bad one could not properly define what good really is.  

We made these items when we were on an investigation in a place that is called the Stonehenge of America.  You've most likely heard of Stonehenge in England.  It's a mysterious collection of rather large megaliths that displays highly energetic properties due to the fact that they are situated along an exact ley line of the Earth.  What most people don't know is that we have our own Stonehenge here in the United States.

Officially, nobody really knows who created the Stonehenge in America.  It has long been speculated that the same ancient druids who are responsible for created the Stonehenge in England are also responsible for the arrangement in American.  As a result of our investigation we can confirm that theory.  They are indeed the same coven of druids that build the American Stonehenge, who brought their forms of powerful magic with them.  With that being said, their arrival predates any other known appearances in American from European countries-- even the Vikings.  

The Stonehenge is located about 40 miles north of Boston in a town called Salem that is located in New Hampshire.  The megaliths stretch out to cover about 30 acres of land, where one can explore rock formations that have been aligned in accordance to astrological movement, the leylines of the Earth, in addition to sacrificial stone tables and other megaliths that serve a variety of purpose.  You don't really have to be there long to fully understand and appreciate the energy that is abuzz in the forests of Salem, NH.  A mere human with no magical or psychic ability at all could pick up on it, so you can only imagine how stoked we were when we finally arrive.  The only way I describe it is it was like being a little kind again and getting what my grandmother always called ants in the pants.  I could hardly sit still with the energy that radiated from the place.   It was clear that although this place seems like a desolate place in the middle of the woods, there as plenty to be discovered.  Maybe there weren't many people there, but the place is a mecca of spiritual activity; and why not New Hampshire, home to some of the most prolific and magically astute Native Americans to have been born on the continent!  I seriously get excited just thinking about it!  

While we were at the American Stonehenge, Deedee, myself, a witch named Elora that we met there, a few other members of our staff were successful in channeling energy that opened up an inter-planar door that exists in one of the shrines of the Stonehenge.  Basically, we pulled the plug on a spiritual drain that allows the dead to re-enter the world of the living.  The magic was very powerful and although there were flashing lights as a result of it.  Nobody really thought anything of it; this is second nature for the locals.  In this small, mystical town there are two ways of dealing with things either accept the fact that there are some unusual things that go on, or you move.  

As a result of opening this portal door, we were able to summon the presence of ten very powerful, immortal witches.  We were able to use their presence to make a duplicate copy of their essence and powers.  The powers in these pieces are very powerful, because the magic comes directly from the root, not magic that has been passed down or handed off.  Surprisingly, they were all very willing to cooperate, but I think that is because at this Stohenhenge they just felt in their element.  The power of this place is reinvigorating, especially for immortal souls who no longer maintain a physical vessel.  There are ten parts to this write up, each containing the powers of one of the Coven of Ten that we pulled from the spiritual realms to make these pieces.  Your piece will contain the power to summon ONE of the Coven of Ten.  The title will, obviously, dictate whose power it is that you are getting.  Again there are ten of these pieces, so make sure you visit the website to take a gander at all ten of them, so that way you make sure you getting the powers that you want!  If you want to buy the whole Coven of Ten, that is ALL ten pieces, let me know ASAP and we can work out some type of deal.  If not, then find the one that suits you the most and make it yours.  

This item summons the soul of George Pickingill.  He was a warlock from the 19th century who had a very hostile demeanor and long, sharp, filed fingernails.  He was kind of rude to people at the onset, but people who have known him say that he isn't that bad once you get to know him.  George was famous for being a practitioner of folk magic and was commonly referred to simply as Old George.  His magical ancestry can be traced back to the 11th Century to a witch called Julia Pickingill.  In life, Old George was a sinister character, having been accused of practicing the black craft.  He was claimed to have been an acolyte of the horned god, although he was also revered as one of the greatest white light healers in the area.  According to the lore, he was an ally of Satanists, who practiced extreme black magic.  

When we pulled Old George through the portal door, Satanist wasn't exactly what we got from him at first glance.  In fact, he didn't even come across as sinister as he did during his life.  Maybe this is because he has had some time to exist in true soul form and calm down a bit.  I'm not sure.  Either way, I guarantee you that he, nor his spiritual existence, are evil.  They are dual in nature, yes.  However, they are not dark in that they will not bring you dark arts of Satan.  It will bring you dual form magic, though.  You can use the piece in an mannerism that you find appropriate.  If you want to do white magic, Old George is excellent.  If you want to do black magic, well George is good at that too.  The choice is yours to make, alone.  George's powers are completely moldable and adaptable to fit anybody's style of magic.  

George's most admirable and sought after power was ability to create realities.  What I mean, is that he holds a solid form of creationary power that has, so far, stood the test of time.  Nobody is sure where this power has come from.  Many people have tried to explain it, but the fact of the matter is that it is a power that George says he was just born with that he developed later in life.  When he was a child, as he recalls, he uused to use his mind to create things out of plain air.  This is when he realized the potency of his creation ability.  Either way, you are going to get this creationist piece as well, when you get this piece.  It's an awesome power, because you will literally be able to create your own, alternate versions of reality that exist parallel to our own.


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