Morphic Fields of the Soul
Morphic Fields of the Soul
Morphic Fields of the Soul
Morphic Fields of the Soul
Morphic Fields of the Soul

Morphic Fields of the Soul

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Here lately, one of the fiercest social debates is pro-choice versus anti-abortion.  While, I'm not going to express an opinion either way or the other, I will say this:  the debate that seems to rage the most is determination as to when the cellular organism in the woman's womb can be considered a human life.  It seems like anti-abortion people feel like the new life is a life since the moment of conception.  Opponents that are pro-choice say that life doesn't begin to occur until there is a heart beat.  Either way, my point is what if all this argument is pointless? I can tell you right now that even at the first or millionth heartbeat, a living organism isn't living its first form of life, whether it is a cell, an embryo, or a fetus coming out of the birth canal.  Rather, all humans have been around before.  Each and every single of us is part of a human conscience that exists not in mortal form.  Rather, we exist in a formless type of life on a spectrum known as the Cosmic Conscience.  It is the flow of life energy from whence God crafted us from.  It is the "breath of life" that is spoken about in the "Good Book" when God says that he breathed the breath of life into Adam.  Although this lifefore is considered the white light of God, it actually exists in a pool of powers that exist in a secret location in the sixth or seventh layer of Heaven.  It is hidden, obviously, because it the wrong entity gets ahold of the source of God's true white light power, then we could be screwed.... like big time.  Hopefully we don't have anymore Satanesque take over attempts, anyhow.  Either way, the creationism of God comes in waves and I can tell you right now that re-incarnation is not a myth, it is reality.  A lot of religious people believe this statement to be apocryphal, even though in the Bible, Moses was clearly reincarnated as the a prophet long after he has risen to Heaven atop the mountain.  Fact is fact, you can read about it in the Bible.  Good luck trying to get the super religious to believe anything that isn't taught to them though, that's why this piece is exclusively for those of you with an open mind, who crave the truth rather the being fed lies that you are expected to believe just because.  For crying out loud, the Mennonites around here aren't even allowed to cut their hair??  Anyhow... 

This piece is exciting.  It's holds a piece that is spiritually charged with dual magic.  The reason this piece is dual magic is because the nature of what you will be using it for.  If a piece is pure white, sometimes it has the ability not to expose things to you that aren't white light.  I have to to say it, but you may be a white light little bubble in this lifetime doesn't mean that you were exactly stellar in a previous lifetime.  I'm not saying that you are a bad person, but we all through phases right?  Maybe God gave you some enlightenment and sent you back to become an even better person.  These lives exist and you don't have to take my word for it.  Most children under the age of 7 attest to having some memory or memory forms of their most previous past life.  They will even recall stories from their previous life that "grown-ups" dismiss as child's play.  That's because our own brains become so dumb that we don't ever go into situations with an open mind, but if you want to know who you are-- and I mean truly know who you are-- you have to release "I'll only believe it if I see it mentality."  There's more to this life... existence, if you will, than meets the eye.  Without further ado, I'm just going to go ahead and get down to business. 

This item is an incredible piece that I was given a while ago from a sorcerer that I met while I was in Canada.  I know, it doesn't seem like Canada would be a very exciting place, right?  They actually have a pretty extensive paranormal underground in Canada.  Either way, it's from this man that I obtained this piece.  For months, I have been testing this piece, first under the supervision of the sorcerer, making sure that I was using the piece in the most effective way possible.  Let me tell you that this piece is amazing.  I have used it to put together pieces of my own puzzle that have been missing for lifetimes.  This piece works even better than some of the others pieces I have tested and put on the website.  This piece is a hit, so now I am offering to one of you guys.  There are only one of these for the time being, although if need be I'm sure I can get some more made; but for right now we just have one. 

This piece gives you a spiritual enlightenment.  However, instead of this enlightenment allowing you to see out into other worlds, this piece allows you to reach deep within yourself.  You will be given the ability to search within your own soul for a spiritual DNA sequence known as yourMorphic Fields.  These spiritual properties hold the DNA sequence that can be read and pieced together that will give you the answers pertaining to every life form you've ever occupied.  In other words, you can use this piece to dig within yourself to see into your soul's past, to know where your soul has been and what your soul has done.  You will be able to put together all the pieces of soul's puzzle, to take all the fragments of your soul and view them as one whole existence.  This will allow you to gain complete past life regression and to reawaken all of your previous beings so you can exist as them all at one single time.  You will be able to see into yourself to see through the eyes of soul to see where you've been and what you've done.  It will also activate any and all powers that you've picked up along your soul's journey, because this is you in the rawest form.  It may not make sense to you in your current mortal forms, but all of your spiritual forms work together to create your current existence.  It is truly an amazing ability to be able to break yourself down, to see everything that you've been in your past.  Gaining all your powers back is pretty awesome. Connecting your Morphic Fields will also improve your overall spiritual health, because being one whole is better than being many fragments. Enjoy using this piece, I know that I did!  

In addition to the powers and abilities you will already get by connecting your Morphic Fields, you will be able to give others past life regressions to also heal their souls as well...  to tell them the same information about their past as you have discovered about yours!