Main tool of the Freemasons that everyone notably sees is the compass. Many always question this, and most think it is merely an outlay of patterened mathematics, showing that the members are greatly educated... this could not be further from the truth.
I am not saying the members are not educated, as they are -- but it is a reformed occult prosperity that lingers in the midst of the compass.
What you are supposed to do is draw a circle, with the compass, around you, and if you go beyond the circle-- you go into knowledge and light!!
The energies need to align for you to go outside the circle, as it is like outlining your body, and it moves with you. You need to have the correct powers, evasive neurons and a clear aura to get outside of your circle.... and this is what is bestowed in this item.
This Freemason item will interlock with your spirit and prism a circle around you that you will attribute powers from the piece to be able to abridge -- thus bringing you knowledge, power and light.