Norse Treasures of the Nine Worlds: Golems of Jotunheim
Norse Treasures of the Nine Worlds: Golems of Jotunheim

Norse Treasures of the Nine Worlds: Golems of Jotunheim

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These pieces actually happened as a mishap.  In fact, they were never supposed to happen at all.  I met some girl named Brenna at a rock concert at a venue local to where I'm from.  She was pretty neat looking, but kinda grungy looking.  I don't really know how to explain in properly.  She had that kind of hair that look like tree roots and her clothing was the most obscure thing you could have saw.  She work dark black eyeliner and mascara, with a a foundation that was overly pale.  She almost looked as if she could have been married to Rob Zombie or something; but she looked pretty cool and I instantly clicked with her.  We talked for a while and somehow got on the subject of magic, to which she looked at me and laughed nervously.  She proceeded to tell me that she didn't want me to think she was crazy but that she was actually a witch.  I didn't think it was crazy at all; in fact, this only made me more fascinated by her.  I was so interested in her magic workings that she invited me back to her apartment to see some of the stuff she does.

When we got there I wasn't surprised when I began seeing some weird things.  First thing I saw was some snake skin floating in a jar.  There were some herbs on her bar counter and down in one corner I noticed that there was some chalk and a star sign schematic.  She did tell me that she was a white witch and judging by the energy in her home, I could tell that what she had told me was the truth.  She hit me with a curve ball, though, when she told me that she specializes in Norse magic.  I definitely didn't see that one coming.  I thought maybe like a Earth witch or something, but she was definitely a Norse witch.  Her name, Brenna, is actually Norse for of the sword.  Her witch name, which she prefers to go by when it deals with anything magic is Hertha, which simply means powerful woman.  However, up until this night I don't think Brenna (or Hertha) realized exactly how powerful she was, when she pulled out a piece that she told me was called, "the oracle."

Brenna proceeded to tell me that she didn't really understand, herself, the powers in the item that she calls the oracle.  All she knows is that when she first got into Norse witch craft that she was given this piece by her coven mother, whose name was Olga. Brenna herself, although it is hard to believe, was changed into an immortal witch when she was 35.  She will be celebrating her 114 birthday with her coven soon enough, although she doesn't look a day over 30.  She must have looked young in the mortal life and it carried over into the immortal.  I don't know.  Getting back on track, I don't think that even Brenna knew the power that she had found with the piece she called the Oracle.

Using the Oracle was a rushing surge of energy.  That's the only way I know how to explain it.  It's like a surge of adrenaline and fear of the unknown, but excitement to discover it, all rolled into one exciting package.  According to Brenna this was the first time the Oracle delivered such amazing results so she thinks is has something to do with the combination of her magic and my own.  I, myself, am not really sure why the Oracle decided to be so vivid that night, nor do I really care. The fact of the matter is that the powers that I obtained that night are of the utmost strength.  They are like normal magical pieces on steroids, but then again the Norse people (you know, the Vikings) were kind of the "go big or go home" type of people so when dealing with Norse magic, you should expect such.

The night that I met Brenna the Oracle flew us through the Nine Worlds.  It was kind of like the ghost of Jacob Marley when he delivers Scrooge to his three ghosts and he gets a chance to visit the past present and future as a person on the outside looking in.  We go to experience all of the Nine Worlds and more.  There are many pieces that I obtained that night, so there will be several listings under this title.  The title will vary slightly based on the experience that the piece brings for the user.  These pieces are extremely powerful and 100% authentic.  They are pieces that I obtained from the actual realms themselves.  They aren't pieces that I created or pieces that I put power into.  They are pieces that I pulled from the different places that the Oracle took me to.  In the description I will outline the place that the power comes form and what the power will do for you.  You want to make sure that you read each piece in its entirety because this collection of pieces instills a great degree of power and unique power at that.  You don't want to miss your chance at one of these amazing items of this collection.

Jotunheim is the name of the realm that houses the jotuns, or giants.  These are not to be confused with fire giants, because they are not exactly the same thing.  The Jotun are indeed allied with the fire giants, but are one step down on the totem pole.  We were taken to this realm and while we were there we experience that the realm is dark and cold.  Jotunheim consists mainly of rocks, wilderness and dense forests.  The giants live off of fish from the rivers and the animals in the forest, because this is the land of despair and there is absolutely no way anything can feasibly grown.  I mean, I guess they could with magic, they just don't. 

Jotunheim, as a realm, was built by the dead corpse of the first Jotun.  This to me is instant proof that these beings are not just giants, but golem giants.  Further analysis while we were exploring the caves of Jotunheim confirmed that the Jotun are indeed golems that were formed out of rock.  The rocks of the realm contain a life form that allows whoever creates the golem to breath life in him, just as God breathed life into Adam.  I'm guess the fire giants created the first golem and they just kept up with creating each successive being until the realm was full of them.  This is going to "buffer" of the Fire Giant's army during the last war, because the only way to kill a Golem ironically is with fire-- well at least these ones.  It leaves these giants at the sole discretion of the fire giants, who possess the power of fire and ultimately can destroy the golem nation. 

This item fosters the idea of the golem and will allow you to build spirit golems.  They won't be big old rock forms that prance around mainstream wreaking havoc.  Rather. they will be solid spirit forms that you can create and control to travel the realms on missions that you give to them.  For example, you can use these spirit forms to "mine" powers for you from other dimension.  You can use them exact revenge upon that one annoying person from the office who is always spreading rumors about you.  You can create them with white powers and use them as a defense against dark arts and evil.  You could even design them to travel the astral realms in search of wealth that they will dump at your doorstep.  You make them.  You control them.  They will do whatever you want, just in spirit form!!