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Recently, quite the discovery has been made in India.  In accordance to a request by the Supreme Court of India, a seven member research committee has opened the six secret vaults of the Sri Anantha Padmanabha Swamy Temple at Tiruvananthapur Am in the South Indian State of Keral, hereafter referred to simply as, "The Temple".  In doing this, they have opened up quite a collection of wealth.  In fact, the six secret chambers boasted about $22 Billion worth of highly valuable gold.  This came in the form of ancient jewelry, golden idols, utensils, etc.
One would think that this would be where the coalition of historians would end their journey, but it wasn't.  Despite the fact that they have discovered a highly valuable form of wealth and history, it is not enough for them.  This is because they know that the real prize is in the final secret chamber.   Wealth of this world is one thing, but to open up knowledge of universe is worth more than anything gold will ever have to offer.  This is going on as I write this, you can research it if you'd like.  We have one person in the mix of what is going on.  He goes under the guise of a historian to these places and then sees what he can acquire through extracting the powers and energies of such a place.
I am going to explain what he has told us the best I can, without having to use all of the Indian terminology, because that could get confusing for most of us-- especially me.  The power comes from behind the seventh door which is also called Chamber-B.  I haven't the slightest clue why they call it this, but this is what it is called by the scientists that are there to tend to the ancient structure.  On either side of the chamber door, are carved twin serpents.  The twin serpents are the guardians of the door.  They alone know the secret mantra that needs to be said in order to unlock the door.  Sure, the scientists could use man made machinery to open the door. That being said, should one undergo such a process, the opening of the door would release a curse to the world-- kind of like Pandora's Box.  So, what's the problem?  If you need someone to say the mantra, then why not just hire someone to say it.  There are no people people alive that know the mantra, as I have told you.  The only place that the mantra exists is in the knowledge of the pair of serpents, the ages-old guardians of forbidden knowledge.
Long story short, the Indian government officials take their religious stuff seriously.  They don't want to curse the temple where they found the doors.  They don't want to curse India, and they certainly don't want to be held responsible for the cursing of the world.  Thus, the secret remains locked behind, literally, closed doors.  Well, it remains closed to most.  Those who have any kind of magic inkling about them have been able to feel the magic practically radiating from the eyes of the serpents that guard either side of the ancient door.  The powers practically slither out to you and invite you in.  It is no exaggeration, because the item we got pretty much does the same thing.  It is a very powerful piece.
Our connection was able to make some sort of arrangement with the other officials in charge of the place.  I mean, I highly doubt he told them what he was going to be doing.  Then again, those who allowed him in after hours, probably had the psychic ability of an egg.  They had no idea what he was about to do, but he did it.  He told us that as he approached, the eyes of the serpents seemed to have a pull on him.  They drew him near and as he made eye contact with them he began to fall under the spell of hypnosis.  He heard the mantra being read in his head and he was pull through to the other side of the door.  According to him, the other side was void of anything except floating orbs of power.  It was a door into a totally void parallel universe.  The orbs of power were set into this realm on purpose, so as to preserve the power.  He gathered up as many of these orbs as possible and set them into the item that he had been carrying with him.  The piece now holds ancient powers of the universe that were known in ancient times, but were locked away for preservation.  The powers that you gain are very simple to understand, but very serious and very powerful in nature.  They were put into the realm by ancient sorcerers of the universe, who were also time and space travelers.
With this piece you are receiving several powers.  They are as follows:
Wealth-- this is done in accordance to $22 Billion that was placed in the first six chambers.  This wealth will infuse this type of wealth power into your own life.  It allows you to amass extreme wealth from across the realms, in varying forms such as lottery winnings, gambling winnings, promotions, and job raises.  It is the ancient art of wealth alchemy that has been transformed into being relevant in today's day and age.  
Holographic Universe:  These are the recorded annals of time.  When you use this power you will be able to enter into an elevated conscience, where you will be enlightened and able to see the Holographic Universe.  This is the ability to see all throughout time, into the past or into the future, in any realm of existence.  You can use this to simply see into time or to gain the powers of the times that you will encounter.  
Star Maps:  These are basically maps that will appear to you in your mind.  They are maps of the universe, of all that has ever lived and all the will ever live.  This piece allows to you see these places inside your mind and to astral travel to them within your mind.  You will be able to encounter these forms of existence and to obtain their powers.  
Shape-Shifting:  This piece contains the genome of the universe.  It is the very power that all things that exist were built upon.  This particular power allows you to alter your DNA and to shift your form into anything that you want.  All you have to do is think of the form you want to take; so the more you see with this piece via the holographic universe or the star maps, the more of an array of beings and entities you can become.  Of course, you can always use this power to become those things that you already know such a vampire, werewolf, fairy, sorcerer, wizard, etc.  
Energy/Power Sourcing:  Again, since this piece contains the DNA imprint of the entire universe, this piece will allow you to speak power forms into existence.  This essentially renders you like a God, as you are able to literally create any type of power that you can think of and/or put into words.  
Trust me,  I have tested this piece.  This is not a piece that you want to take lightly.  It is only for those who want to experience the rush of serious power.  It has the ability to change your life in so many ways that it almost seems unreal.  Don't miss your opportunity!