I have used this piece to peer inside the Seven Cities of Ur. We have lots of different styles of items here, so allow me to explain what I mean. It's not that this piece allows me to astrally travel to the Seven Cities Ur, because it doesn't. If I told you that I would be lying. Rather, you can think of this piece as a mental kaleidoscope. When you use this piece it will allow you to peer into the Seven ancient Cities or Ur.
The Seven Cities of Ur refers to one collective region that was an ancient Mecca and the apex of Seven magical cities, each which held it's own spiritual qualities and attributes. They were seven distinct cities that were all merged into one giant megalopolis of powerful, magical fortitude. The streets were built with the finest gold and jewels; the people who occupied these cities were of the "Old Faith", which is a formal way of saying that they lived with the secrets of the highest divination and rarest forms of magic known to man kind. They were governed by a group of Elders/Priests of the craft called the Priory of Babylon who were the gateways to the magic that they practiced.
There were Seven Elders, one form each city and together they held the secret of the Ancient Tongue, which was a form of communication only priory could decipher. It was in this text and language that the Magan Text was composed. While there have been many that have tried to decode this text, they have all failed. If you meet anyone, besides ourselves, who have claimed to have figure out the secrets, chances are they are lying. This is because in order to begin to understand the text you need an item such as the one we are offering.
The meaning of the text was lost during a battle between the gods, when they got jealous of the powers man had discovered. It seemed as though half of the gods wanted to destroy man kind for fear of a takeover. The other wished to preserve the powers of mankind. The battle raged. The Seven Cities were physically destroyed, but not spiritually. The were stored up in a parallel realm in spiritual form by the Seven Elders, who also travelled with their cities to preserve their sanctity.
You can use this piece to peer into the Seven Cities of Ur in their spiritual form. It will act as your decoder for the Magan Text. Using your decoder and the Magan Text, this piece will allow you to discover each of the hidden Seven Secrets of the Old Faith, which are seven powerful forms of magic that you will definitely will NOT want to live without!!
We have many of these pieces and you will get one of the ones shown. They all do the same thing with one extra. They will also bring out what you were made to do as well. In this I mean the supernatural ability of which we were all born with. This is on top of the 7 magics. Because we were able to gather so much of this magic on one of my trips you will get them at a great price. Usually this would sell for around 500.00 but again due to quantity they will be inexpensive.
To use this all you need to do is baptize yourself in the all knowing waters of the Priory. To do this simply fill our container with any type of water. The glass is what does the trick here. You will need to then place some on your temples,third eye section and throat. The throat is very important so don't miss this placement.