Some people don't believe in the afterlife, despite the fact that the presence of beings from the realm of the afterlife have been documented since the beginning of time. The fact that the Bible tells tales of spirits who were sent back by God to either further or deteriorate society should speak volumes. Apparently, there are just some people who refuse to believe in the existence of anything other than what they can see and/or feel. For those of you who are different, for those of you who have a brain and can think logically, this piece is for you. For those of you who don't believe in anything, this piece can be for you too, to prove that spirits do, in fact, exist.
This piece comes as a result of another one of our original investigations. This one found us in Illinois, in a somewhat secluded area at an estate known at the Roff Home. Tales of spiritual activity have plagued the Roff Home since its beginning, but the most notorious case has been dubbed America's first documented case of spiritual possession. There have even been books and movies made that have been made surrounding the possession that took place here.
In 1865, at the young age of 19, a young girl by the name of Mary Roff died in the house. It was quite sudden and nobody really seemed to understand why she died. Twelve years later Mary Roff came back to possess the body of a 13 year old girl named Lurancy Vennum. There are some say that LUrancy suffered from lunacy, which isn't far from the spelling of her name. However, I highly doubt this given the fact that the girl was so possessed by Mary Roff's spirit that the spirit drove her to live in the abandoned Roff Home for 100 days.
The important part of this story isn't that young Mary died or even that she possessed the spirit of young Lurancy. Rather, the point that needs to be addressed is how did this all happen in the first place. The question what isn't nearly as important in this case, because we already know that she was possessed. The reports of spiritual activity drew us to this investigation in the first place. We desired to figure out how young Lurancy was possessed, which the reason why we even entertained the investigation. In fact, we didn't even think that we were going to come out of the investigation with any empowered pieces at all. The fact that we have one is a huge plus, but we were merely interested in how it all went down.
After doing a thorough investigation and determining that there are many spirits that live in the Roff Home, we came up with an explanation why. It was due, in part, to the fact that Deedee felt dizzy and light headed in the front room of the sprawling home. Other than the presence of spirits, she felt nothing as strong as she did when she was standing in the room. This led us to a full blown metaphysical investigation, where no technology was used at all. It was just our team and a spirit board. When we first began working with the spirit board there were little to no answers, but you know that we are really persistent when on our investigations. We didn't leave until after we got our answers. Our answers came after about an hour when Deedee started screaming so loud that the energy must have summoned some sort of an answer form the other side. Body energy and emotion are heard very clearly in the spiritual realm, so I'm guessing that is what brought the encounter about.
In fact, the encounter was so fierce that the oracle began moving all by itself. It kept on spelling out the same word over and over again. The word was, "portal". We asked the board what it meant by portal, if there was a portal in the house. It said yes. Then it kept on spelling the name Mary over and over again, like it had the word portal. The flames from our lit candles shot up into the air like pillars of fire and then all was calm. This item appeared on the spirit board and we tested it the very next day.
In this piece is held the gatekeeper, who is Mary Roff. Since she died at such a young age she never really moved on. She has become stuck in an alternate dimension between life and death. She is bound to her spot of death, for whatever reason she died. Since her death there has been a portal opened up in the Roff Home that allows spirits to come and go as they please. Since it is her estate she has become the gatekeeper of this portal. It is her energy that allows the portal to exist and since she cannot leave her home, it will always exist. That is why this type of spirit is called a gatekeeper. It simply is what she is. She attempted to possess the body of the young Lurancy to try to remove herself from the home, but you see how well that went when Lurancy was simply enticed back to the same spot for a total of 100 days. Then Mary left the girl's body and went back to her spirit for, realizing that she couldn't get away.
I know you are thinking that it sounds like a tragedy, but in telling you all of this I simply wish to explain why this piece works. This piece is one that was made by Mary. It contains the powers of a gatekeeper soul. With this piece you will be able to open up a temporary portal wherever you are to pull through any soul or spirit. This is the simply powers that have been put in this piece. Where is gets ever more powerful and complex is that it allows you conjure any type of soul. If you want to conjure a vampire, werewolf, fairy, leprechaun, djinn, elf, troll, gnome, angel, demon, alien, or some other type of entity-- as long as it exists in souls form you can do so. You can also bring back the souls of loved ones. I would recommend not keeping your loved ones around for two long or they will get stuck just like Mary did. You don't want that, as I'm sure you want to be able to see your loved ones in the next existence.
You can use this piece to pull through a multitude of what I am going to call servant souls-- those are the ones such as vampires and djinn. When you pull them through, they will be completely subservient to you. You can use them for their power and magic and any ability they have. They have to comply with your wishes. This really renders you like a modern-age version of a soul master, because whatever you tell your soul to do, they will do. Whatever you want from your soul, as long as it is one of their powers, they have to give it to you. For instance, you could tell a djinn soul to grant your wishes, or you could tell a vampire soul to give your immortality. There really are limitless possibilities. Enjoy.