Into the Woods-- Our Own Epic Discovery
Into the Woods-- Our Own Epic Discovery
Into the Woods-- Our Own Epic Discovery
Into the Woods-- Our Own Epic Discovery
Into the Woods-- Our Own Epic Discovery

Into the Woods-- Our Own Epic Discovery

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On the day that we made this piece, we had only expected to go driving on the country side.  We like to do this from time to time because it relaxes us.  We get to clear our minds from the hard day of work that we have just put in.  Believe it or not, writing and listing all these items can be mentally draining, even though we have the files right in front of us.  Usually we end up going exploring in different places.  For instance, we have gone to Centralia before, we have gone to ghost towns, and even a place that has been dubbed the Pennsylvania Stonehenge.  We also love to visit graveyards.  I know that might sound creepy, but given the nature of our work, what else would you expect?  
Since I am a native of Pennsylvania, I am often the one navigating the trips.  Having lived here a long time, I know a lot about the surrounding areas and the small little oddities that our team would be interested in.  This is why I led Deedee into a small mountain town that is actually only about twenty-five minutes away from our offices.  In this small mountain town, that has been vastly shut down and boarded up, there is an abandon church.  Outside of this church, down a small, narrow gravel lane that has been overgrown with weeds, is a small cemetery.  I don't know if the cemetery is taken care of properly these days or not.  Weeds also over grow this cemetery, some of them even getting as high or high than the tombstones themselves.  
The stone lane extends beyond where the cemetery is located, into a small forest.  Until this time I had never ventured back into the forest, because I really had no reason to.  I figured it was used for some purpose or another, but never would have guessed what we would find at the end of it.  Deedee saw the road that led into the forest and immediately was intrigued by the concept of seeing what was at the end of it.  It was the kind of path that you kind of had to walk on.  I guess we could've taken a car, but I don't think it wouldn't have been the best idea.  This is why we walked.  
The trail woven around the forest for about a mile or so. At the end of it were two giant mounds.  At first we didn't understand why the road led to such a peculiar dead end.  It didn't take, long, though for us to realized that these mounds were more than just piles of dirt.  In fact, they had been there before the thought of civilization even came to this part of the country.  They are two very old Indian burial sites.  We knew this because there were a number souls that Deedee was able to communicate with and the rest of us could fee the presence.  
The fact that we had made a mini-discovery was awesome!!  I mean, I'm sure other people knew about this place, or there wouldn't be a gravel trail leading to it.  However, it was our own little discovery and for that we were excited.  We love stuff like this.  However, none of us were prepraed for happaned next.  As we were tromping around the woods surroudning the burial sites, I happaned to stumbled over a rock.  I fell, of course, because I'm clumsy and I'm always doing that.  When I got up I realized that what I had stumbled upon was more than just a random rock on the ground.  It was part of a medicine wheel.  You couldn't really tell at first because it was covered up with leaves and brush.  After we scooped some of it out of the way, we could tell what it was more clearly.  
We were very exciteid upon making the discovery, as we could tell this one was never experiences before.  We love making fresh discoveries!  We took some pictures of the medicine wheel.  Medicine wheels were used in conjunction with asking the gods and spirits to heal those who had been afflicted with some type of illness, whether mental or physical.  What I hadn't noticed is that when I had fallen I had a tiny little scrape just barely big enough to place on my forearm.  As I was standing there admiring the ancient work of art, a single drop of blood fell from my arm to the medicine wheel.  It began to turn ever so slightly and a bright white light shot up into the heavens.  We looked at each other confused.
The light remained and we didn't know what to do, so I didn't what I thought was necessary.  I stepped into the light.  In an instant the small scratch that I had gotten when I fell was totally healed.  I suddenly began to experience everything on a higher level, as all my sense were sharpened.  Anyone who knows me knows that I cannot hear to save my life.  I suddenly was able to hear everything and anything that was going on in the woods around me.  it was a bit weird for me, because I'm used to being half deaf.  Colors became bright and the crisp air of the Autumn air smelled intoxifying.  I began to feel my soul being lifted out of my body and that is when I stepped out of the light and the sensations went away. 
Not knowing how long the light was going to stay for, I quickly grabbed this piece and threw it into the light.  The light remained for about another 3 minutes until it finally flickered and faded away.  The result is that this piece was made to incorporate an infusion of that white light.  It was obviously a healing light.  This piece promotes advanced healing of all aspects of the human body.  It will help you heal faster from injuries an surgeries.  It will also spiritually cleanse you, enliven your sense, and help you experience life the way it was meant.  It will also elevate your mind and give you a third eye awakening.  With this awakening you will be given empowerment over the full range of your psychic abilities.  Mind control, astral projection, bi-location, telepathy, the ability to see the past and the future, and psychic mediumship and the ability to pull any type of spirit are only some of the powers you get with this piece.  Additionally, you will be able to perform white light healing on not only yourself, but others as well.  This includes karmic healing, chakra alignment, soul cleansing and the promotion of elevation.  
With this piece you will also tap into your inner shamanic powers.  We have all been given such powers, but it are the few who embrace them that actually ever become shamans.  This will extend, to you, other powers as well.  A sample of these powers includes shape-shifting, the ability to create entities, the ability to ascend into Heaven, the ability to create matter and powers, and the ability to cast your own spells.  This piece is incredible, completely transformational, and pure white light!