Always forgetting where you left something? Have difficulty remembering names, faces, or things from childhood? Tired of walking around parking garages, aimlessly, wondering where you parked your car? Ever get the feeling that you were someone else in the past? Then you have need of the assistance of Mnemosyne- The Goddess of Memory. In Greek Mythology, Mnemosyne- who was the daughter of Uranus and Gaia, married the God Zeus and had nine children; these children grew up to become the 9 Muses. In effect, Mnemosyne is the Mother of Inspiration- as her daughters may be petitioned to grant talent and revelation to those in need. There are legends that state memories did not exist until Mnemosyne was born. Now you can call upon Mnemosyne to help you remember those things that your have forgotten- either yesterday or from ages long past. She can help you recall things that you've forgotten that you've forgotten- no matter how deep the memory may be buried- from the trivial to the titanic. In the, unfortunate, event that you have a tragic or recurring unwanted memory- she can help you dispel those as well, no longer shall they haunt you.
Now you can call upon Mnemosyne's help by clutching this piece with both hands and close your eyes, ask Mnemosyne to show you the those memories that are hidden from you (or to bury the one(s) that you don't wish to have)- now feel your mind start to open and feel the memories as they come flooding back into your head; and the particular memories that you have asked for shall be revealed with perfect clarity. You may also ask for Mnemosyne to show you memories from past incarnations of yourself.