Are you or someone that you know going away on trip, to school, business trip, deployment? Do you want you, or them, to be safe and protected during their travels? Do want to have some type of insurance that nothing will happen to once they've reached their destination? The you require the aid of the Godess Abeona, who is the protective spirit that oversees departures and travel. The Goddess Abeona will watch over you, or the one embarking on a journey, and keep them safe every step of the way. She will see that they come to no harm as soon as they cross the portal of the the door, begin their journey, the duration of the trip, and once they have arrived safely. The Goddess Abeona will also safeguard them for as long as they remain at their destination. To invoke the protection and defense of the Goddess Abeona, hold this piece in your hand and take 2 steps forward- when your second foot comes to rest next to the first one, ask Abeona to guide you safely to your destination and to protect you while you make your way to your desired location. Once you have arrived, again while holding this piece- repeat the process you did when you left, and thank Abeona for your safe arrival.
Are you ready to return from your holiday, institution, venture, military excursion? Would you like to have the same level of safety guaranteed that you had when you left and while you're travelling back home? Then you must call upon the aid of the Goddess Adeona, Abeona's Sister, who happens to be the guardian spirit of rapid and safe return. The Goddess Adeona offers the exact same amount of safety and security that her Sister does, but only in the opposite direction. You petition Adeona the same way you did Abeona, hold the piece, take the 2 steps forward, and then ask Adeona to protect you as you make your way back to where you started your journey originally- repeat the process and remember to thank Adeona once you arrive safely back home.