EPA MIND CONTROL<br /><br />
Pay close attention, because what I’m about to tell you is scary and it’s happening for real. Not that it is anything new, but the technology is new. The New World Order, in an attempt to achieve total world domination has been in cahoots with both the Environmental Protection Agency and those in charge of the High Altitude Research Project. <br /><br />
Okay, now let me tie in the relevance to even bringing this up. On September 2, 2011 Obama scrapped plans to tighten federal smog regulations. He has been parading around in the national stage, trying to convince the public that he is concerned for their welfare and that he wants to make the environment better. He even had the help of higher-ups in the EPA, which have been commissioned by Obama and have become his puppets. <br /><br />
Lisa Jackson was ordered by Obama to scrap the plan to tighten the smog regulations. Obama claims that the reasoning behind the scrapping of this plan is simple: the importance of reducing regulatory burdens and uncertainty for businesses during a time of rampant uncertainty about an unsteady economy. Dear Mr. Obama: When the Hell did you even start caring about our economy in the first place?? <br /><br />
Here’s what’s really going on… and I know this, because I have people. In fact, my people are so far up the political ladder that this information is coming directly out of Area 51, where they have been working on developing this technology since before the Kennedys started croaking. When I say they, I mean the New World Order… they have been pimping Obama out nicely and he has become nothing more than their political hoe. <br /><br />
What really has been going on is a deterrent to make it seem like the government cares, when in actuality they want the smog to remain in places like L.A. and New York City. Why? Because they have been slowly introducing a new agent into the air that is taking over people’s minds and as long as there is smog, people won’t notice the haze that this new agent pollutes our air with. Come on… do you really thing people rallied behind Barack Obama, “Just because.” Nope. <br /><br />
The agent itself has been being released in very small, minute doses. Here’s the thing; as times progress and the government becomes desperate for control over the masses and their own evil political agendas, the agent is going to be released in higher and higher concentrations, causing a total reversal of the advancement of the human mind. Instead, people will begin not being able to think for themselves, leaving the social media to develop their thoughts and feelings for them. It is going to be total mind take over. The reason they haven’t done this so far, is simply because there are some good people left. Doing this at full blast, right away would create a stir and possibly cause an uprising. <br /><br />
With all this being said, the operative that has been working in Area 51 is one of these “good” people. I often times turn to him for information about these government conspiracies. He has given me a supply of the antigen energy that has been developed by HARP using technology they have discovered while testing electricity in weather patterns. I’m not really sure how it correlates, but it does. <br /><br />
I have put the energy into this piece, but I can replicate the energy any time, so once this piece is gone if you have an interest, we can still help!! What this piece does is emit the antigen energy through our your whole body, so that way the agent that the government will covertly, under Obama’s orders, be releasing into the environment will not affect you. This piece is a preparatory piece only; because once you have been infected there is no turning back. <br /><br />
I want to stress that this will be happening very soon. The NWO needs Obama to win this next election… and even if you’re not an American, you need protection. This technology has been sold the UN General Assembly, the European Union, and the United Arab Emirates. There is no hiding from it; so be smart and be prepared for it. It’s coming sooner than you think. <br /><br />