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There are some things that just cannot be explained. For whatever reason, an explanation has never been offered. For the most part, it is better to not have an explanation. It might just be a little darker than you would have hoped for. Such is the case with the ancient book that is known as the Devil's Bible.
The Devil's Bible is also known as the Codex Gigas and it is the largest book in the world. It weights 165, which is about half of what I weigh, so you know that it has to be heavy! It is written across a series of donkey skins, in a wide range of various texts. It measures 36 inches tall, 19l7 inches wide, and 8.6 inches thick. It is bound with old wood wrapped in leather and is help in place by very elaborately designed metal working.
Inside the book are both the old and new testaments, with antiquities of the Jews and various other histories written in between. There are pictures and illustrations in a rainbow of colors. The ink was made out of insects and the total number of donkey skins that would have been needed to write the book is 160. Yet, the book was written in just one night. Experts believe that if the book was written by just one person-- which hand writing analysis has proven it was-- it would have taken twenty-five to thirty years to complete. Again, it was written in just one night. How is this possible?
Despite the fact that nobody seems to know exactly who the author of this book is, we know beyond any uncertainty that the author of the book was a monk. This monk doesn't have a name, or hasn't given us one, whatever the case may be. During his stay as a monk in a monastery in the Czech Republic, he was sentenced to death for going back on his vow. The monk knew he had to do something in order to stop his execution. It was agreed upon that if he could write the massive book in one night, it would prove that he was still worthy of being part of the order-- and more importantly, alive.
Frantic, the monk turned to the dark side, making a pact with the Devil. What that pact was exactly, I don't know. What I do know is that it involves selling his soul. I guess the fear of death can get to people. Either way, the book was done in the morning and the monk was able to resume his stay. The other monks in his order never questioned the author as to how he got it done in one night and he never offered an explanation. I guess it was just assumed to be a miracle of God, when in fact, it was quite the opposite.
The fact of the matter is that the Monk was able to enter a time-warp that was created for him by Satan. He traveled back twenty-seven years, which interestingly enough is three to the third power. I don't know if it means anything, but they say three is a sacred number. Either way, the monk worked very diligently on the book, while he used his own magic not to age. When the time came, he displayed the book, after having added twenty-seven years and not even looking the slightest bit changed. The other monks were so impressed with his work that they agreed not to cut his head off, which is a good thing. The Book remained with them for a little while, but all good things eventually have to come to an end. The book began to travel and has been all over. It was once part of the secret library of Rudolf II, but was taken by the Swedish as spoils of war.
The book has seen many owners over the year, so it should come as no surprise that it has influenced many outcomes and has kind of helped to shape history and the destiny of mankind. It should also come as no surprise that different pieces have been made. We got one of these pieces at an underground auction. It's not to certain who the piece was made by or why. All we know is that we got the piece and that it encapsulates the powers of the Devil's Bible. You might think that this piece is evil or dark because of the name "Devil", but anybody who knows anything about magic knows that it all tends to be dual magic. That means, whether it is dark or light depends on the person who is using it.
This particular piece holds the presence of a nameless monk. When you get the piece, you can give him a name if you want. It will probably make using this piece a little bit easier, as everyone should have a name to be addressed by. Like I said, I don't know if this monk never had a name or if he just refuses to give it. During testing, he refused to let us know, so we just started calling him Alpha. You can call him this or you can give him a new name if you want. Or you can just talk to him nameless. Whatever you want to do, the magic will be just as powerful.
As I was saying, this piece resurrects the presence of the monk who wrote the Devil's Bible. He is literally a walking knowledge of everything that was put into the book. He was never allowed to go to Heaven because of the fact that he sold himself to the Devil, but he isn't exactly a demon either. He is trapped somewhere in between, in his own sort of purgatory, which sounds enough like Hell if you was me. The knowledge of this monk is limitless. Using his knowledge of the Devil's Bible, you can do almost anything. You can create your own entities-- angels, demons, djinn, etc. You can master the art of immortality. You can grant miracles and wishes. You will have full knowledge of alchemy, meaning you can turn anything into anything else you want it to be. It holds the power of sorcery, which means you will be able to source any power that you have the interest of having. It will give you full psychic ability. Also it will give you the knowledge of volumes of spells that were written into the Devil's Bible. These spells include anything from wealth spells to love spells, to protection spells, to revenge spells, to summoning spells, and many more. There are too many to list really and I'm sure there even some waiting to be discovered. The fact is, that the monk is like your personal guide to magic-- any type of magic that you desire. If there is magic that you want or need and it is not somehow Incorporated into this book, then the monk will find a way to get it for you. He's pretty much dedicated his purpose to this book. After all, he'll never be in Heaven or Hell, so he needs something to while away his immortal hours.
This piece is very powerful. I know I say this a lot, you really don't want to miss out on your chance with this piece. When I was testing the piece, I was stunned at the amount of power this piece has. It's sole design is to give you what you truly desire and the way this piece is made, there is no penalty for that. The monk didn't fairy as well, which is how we were able to get him. Indulge in this piece, because it is the guilt-free way to gain everything that you've ever wanted.