I'm sure that this is not the first time that you are hearing this theory, but we have all been born in God's image. What does this mean exactly? Well different people interpret this in different ways. There are those religious enthusiasts who only believe what's in front of their nose. They would say that this chalks up to meaning that God had a specific idea in mind when he created us, that we are supposed to be his minions and worship him tirelessly in a life of discomfort. The reward, they say, is spending an eternity in Heaven with God, where we will still worship him like minions. Apparently humans were the only ones given free will and angels just do this automatically. That's why we are all given a choice, just as we are all judged accordingly. If you don't do what these Bible thumpers command, then you will obviously go to Hell.
Then, there is the more open-minded perspective that says that we were all created in God's image, meaning that we were create to be like Him. It tells us throughout the Bible that the struggle of daily life is to live like Christ. If we can live like Christ, we will certainly earn our reward in Heave-- whatever that may be. It tells us we must take up our own cross. This is because in being created "in God's image", we have also been created with the ability to become our own gods. Think about it. It makes sense. Why else would he have given humanity free-will to do as they please. It is to weed out the week. Those who get it, will enjoy Heaven which is the gift of full enlightenment. Those who don't will live in Hell, which is a very dark place of continually dumbed down entities that are basically just a waste of space and creation. They are good for nothing. In our stage of life as a human, it is our job to live up the expectations that we were created in God's image\
This ring will give you an enlightenment that will allow you fully comprehend what I am saying, because it gives you a fully spiritual rebirth. On the ring are the lion and the lamb-- or the ram. The reason the ram is depicted on this ring is because the ram has so often been the perfect sacrifice. It was given by God to Abraham to use in place of his son, Isaac. Lambs were also used, but the ram was considered to be a stronger, more masculine alternative and in those times masculinity was everything. Now thing of the one person who is called the perfect sacrifice? The lamb of God? It was Jesus. The lion, on the other hand is the depiction of God. The lion has long been used in association with all kinds of Gods and Kings. The lion is the mean beast of the jungle who presides over all others. He is top of the food chain. This is appropriate, because we have all been created by God, have we not?
This ring, then is the perfect depiction of powers. It means that through the ram (or lamb)-- the ultimate sacrifice, our lives can be turned around into living like the King. In doing this we will fulfill the meaning of being created in the image of God. Just as Jesus was sent to be the duality of Man and God, we too are man and God. He was sent as an example to us all. You can look that up in the Bible to, it's mentioned time and time again. Anyway, just as the Man-God had to shed his mortal skin to become an immortal God at the right hand of the chief Jehovah, it is our destiny to become the same thing. We can all become our own individual gods-- the lions of the metaphysical world. We will sit at the top of the food chain with the most powerful magic and the ability to create anything we please, to become anything we please, to make what we please come to pass.
This piece has been found in what is called the Temple of Judah outside of Jerusalem. It is slim to none that you will actually ever be able to find this Temple, because it isn't advertised as such. In fact, it is a secret meeting place of dozens of Kabbalistic Jews, who ironically used to be the owners of this piece. I find it ironic, because this piece proves that Jesus was the perfect example, but yet they don't believe that he was the Messiah-- the example that will save us all. Either way, an investigation was probed and this piece was recovered. It has been carved by bone of animals that have been sacrificed by angels in the altars of Heaven. I know this sounds rather grandiose and I cannot tell you how the Jews came into contact with the bones of the animals. All I can tell you is the results of our testing with the piece. It is carved from the bone of a burnt offering that was given to God by the angels in Heaven. It contains white light transformation powers. These powers will allow you to shed your mortality just as Jesus has.
As a result of your transformation, and shedding your mortal skin, you will undergo a spiritual transformation that will make you an immortal. During this process, you will unlock your human-god genome that has been programmed into each human's DNA. You will become your own God, having mastered the "Created in the Image of God"'s true meaning. This transformation will give you a full meaning of life and what it actually means to be in existence. It allows you the harness powers that other people only ever dream about and drool over. It is the very power of existence, the white light magic of God. With it you will be able to create whatever it is you want. If that means an alternate universe, birthing an entity such as God birthed angels, or creating a power or magic, then so be it. When you hold the powers of God, you assume all of his abilities. This means you will be able to not only predict, but create the future. You can travel through time. You can travel to all astral places and all forms of existence. You can assume any form. You can bless or curse any entity. You will gain a knowledge of all magic. You will gain the ability heal, raise the dead, and cause death. You will be able to cause karma to those who need it, whether bad or good. You can invoke wealth for yourself or others. You can summon any angel to be on demand with their powers and services. You will be able to look upon the face of God, simply by looking into a mirror. This is because you will God. You were created in His image and you should wear it nicely. This piece gives you the transformation that will allow you to full harness these powers. Do not miss this opportunity, because it is rare.